Jack Jacobs hablará sobre su libro “Jews and the Left” en YIVO (En Inglés)

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Thursday, June 22 | 7:00pm
Admission: Free

Lecture and Book Launch

In the last decades of the 19th century, and the first decades of the 20th, Jews held highly visible positions in a number of different left-wing movements. Can this phenomenon be explained by referring to Jewish religious tenets? Can it be explained by the marginality of the Jewish population?

In this talk Jack Jacobs, editor of Jews and Leftist Politics: Judaism, Israel, Antisemitism, and Gender (Cambridge University Press, 2017), and Jacob Kronhill Visiting Professor at YIVO, grapples with these questions, explores the ways in which the current political affiliations of Jewish communities around the world may shed light on the matter, and considers the potential implications of recent political events on future relations between Jews and the left. The evening will be chaired by Professor Marion Kaplan (NYU).

A reception will follow the program.


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