Diaspora Jews-from Inquisition

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Inquisition in 1942 was not the best human image. However nothing can recall this period of history if not just the rediscovery of the history itself. Researching on Arts and Music of that itself period could be the only clear example of what exactly was the meaning of Diaspora. Each historical time reflects its own period, and artists always see with contemporary eyes and only recall the past when they want to reinforce a modern concept not certainly to recall it back as when it occurred. We could read Dante Alighieri but never live in the time when he wrote the “Divina Commedia” and to understand it we need to read it, not to recall it with some other works. This is one of the major issue: to understand Diaspora should we do a real research of life in that time or could we just imagine how Diaspora could have been now days? Do we need to make a political choice or just be honest and follow truly what was the real historical grounds which caused Diaspora? If so we would need to restart and think what caused Diaspora and who were the Jews who had been expelled particularly after Inquisition times. The major exodus of Jews occurred in the Iberian Peninsula, and these Jews were Sefardim, a tradition which has been cancelled just after these prosecutions and never really recuperated. Leone Da Modena one major exponent of this important school was followed by many scholars who made the history of Judaism from Spain to the Mediterranean Countries, including Naples Reign of Two Sicilies, Izmir and Rodes. Their survival after Inquisition both as Sefardi Jews emigrated to Americas, from Cristoforo Colombo onward till the 1900th, or as Anusim or Marranos, up to nowdays, we can only reconnect with this history by becoming close to it: for the Iberian Jews of Inquisition times we may reconnect by rediscovering the culture and the Sefardi traditions of the time, for Anusim we may only bring to light the traditions which they maintained as Sefardi-Crypto-Jews. Much speculation is often done to use this issue in order to promote political matters which have no connection with the real Diaspora history.

Rabbis and politicians should really reflect on these matters. We would need instead more generous and heartful means to understand the tragedy occurred and there is no time for speculation and politics, as living in a time where political and economical matters dictate so much on people’s life, could only bring a new Diaspora back on the stage.

Acerca de Yael Amato

I am promoting a Jewish Movement in South Italy where Jews from Sefardi origins can reconnect with their father's heritage. Not only they should come back by rediscovering these Jewish roots, but more important they should be able to recuperate them in the most similar way and close to the traditions belonged to their old families. What is very little known, is that Sefardi traditions got lost during the Inquisition but not completely, the importance to bring back to light all the traditions of the past is a relevant part of the coming back of these Jews, the Anusim. To encourage the research not only through history, but a practical research where people themself are part of it, and to give more space to know more about costumes of Christianos Nuevos, should be taken into account. To consider Anusim part of the Jewish Nation and to allow them to come back within their traditions rather than an enforced Conversion, I believe is a Mizvah. Too often these Jews have been sxcluded in certain circumstances by more resrictive, integralist Communities, or have been forced to undergo' a full conversion as if they were not counted as Jews.It is actually sad, to think of the destiny they had to undergo' and the misfortune which occurred for a very long period of time more than 350 years, during the Inquisition. Recent studies have proved the presence of at least 40% Jews in South Italy during Inquisition times, the majorityof them being already expelled from Spain as Christianos Nuevos, where only the minority of them could flee abroad and return openly Jewish, mostly in Salonicco, Izmir, Rodi the Americas, and North Europe. The remaining ones had to opt for remain in the country and still be descendant of Christianos Nuevos, with all the traditions typical of these groups' of Jews.Rabbi Barbara Aiello, has been working for the last ten years on a revival of Jewish life, therefore she has in 2007 opened Ner Tamid del Sud Synagogue where many Anusim and Jews from America participate. It is the first Synagogue in Calabria after 500 years and recently a Sefer Torah was brought to Sicily in Palermo, to the growing Chavoura' led by Salvo Asher Parrucca, a valid student of Rabbi Aiello who with the support of Enzo Li Calzi have given a wonderful examples of how Jewish life is coming back to Sicily.On the 14th of July my son Alessandro Joseph Avraham will take his Bar Mizvah in Serrastretta, and it will be the first Bar Mizvah completely in Italian, with an Italian boy. His gift for Torah is wonderful, a great inspiration from above, which will make many Jews understand what is the soul inside a young person and a Jewish soul. It is so important for all of us to invest with young people like him, and hpefully many more. He will in this occasion play some Jewish music on his cello. Being myself a musician, I believe there is no better words than the ones of music. These words, the notes, can go fast above and will communicate directly to people's heart.

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