El Rey Nimrod, interpretada por Rubén Grez

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Cuando el Rey Nimrod

Cuando el rey Nimrod
Al campo salía
Mirava en el cielo
Y en la estreyería
Vido la luz santa
En la giudería
Que havia de nacer
Avraham avinu

Avram avinu, padre querido
Padre bendicho, luz de Israel

La mujer de Terah quedo preñada
De día en día el la preguntava
De que teneix la cara tan demudada
Ella ya savía el bien que tenía

Saludemos al compadre
Y tambien al moël
Que por su zekhut
Mos venga el goël
Y ri’hma a todo Israel

When King Nimrod

When King Nimrod
Went out into the fields
He looked at the heavens
And at all the stars
He saw a holy light
Above the Jewish quarter
A sign that Abraham our father
Was about to be born

Abraham our father, beloved father
Blessed father, light of Israel

Terah’s wife was pregnant
Day after day he would ask her
Why her face was so changed
She already knew the good thing she had within

Let us greet the godfather
And also the moel
Because of his virtue
May the Messiah come
To redeem all Israel

Rubén Grez

Born in México, Rubén Grez is a traditional Jewish and hasidic singer. He has recorded two solo albums: Homenaje a la Liturgia Judía y al Espíritu Jasídico around 1985 with arrangements by Laszlo Rooth and orchestrations played by La Orquesta de la Ópera de la Ciudad de México. The album was later reedited and remastered in 2007 with the help of radio journalist Uriel Waizel; and Homenaje a la Canción Judía with arrangements by piano master Rufino Montero, with whom he also shares a choral group, Voces de Encuentro, with members of the Mexican Jewish community, that revisits and interprets the traditional Mexican songbook from the 20th Century, specially the compositions by Mexico City urban poet and chronist Chava Flores.

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