Para la derecha israelí, la respuesta contra las leyes racistas de Trump son “una maniobra de Soros”, (En Inglés)

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Esta miopía de quienes dirigen actualmente ese país tendrá un costo histórico enorme como ya lo hemos podido constatar en los últimos días.

Les recomiendo leer el siguiente artículo:

The Truth About Trump’s ‘Muslim Ban’

While the lying media is perpetuating the lie that refugees do not pose a terrorist threat, the facts show otherwise. Senator, and soon-to-be Attorney General, Jeff Sessions compiled this list of refugees-turned-jihadists in 2016 while Obama was pushing to dramatically increase the amount of so-called “refugees” allowed into the United States. Twenty ‘vetted’ refugees turned to terrorism after being allowed into America.

The flurry of anguished news stories and protests surrounding President Trump’s executive action temporarily suspending “immigrants and non-immigrants” from “countries of particular concern” appears to be part of a coordinated PR effort financed by left-wing billionaire George Soros.

Rather than a complete “Muslim ban” as promised during the campaign, Trump’s executive order contains moderate refugee restrictions, similar to those that have been implemented by President Obama. If reports are true that restrictions are being applied even to green-card holders, that is an unfortunate misapplication of the law that will likely soon be corrected.

Protesters quickly materialized Saturday at JFK Airport, where some refugees were being temporarily detained.

Reportedly, open-borders advocate Soros has provided some $76 million for immigrant issues over the past decade, as Soros-funded “immigrant rights groups” helped influence President Obama’s immigration policy.

Acerca de Alejandro Abeliansky

Alejandro Abeliansky nace en Polonia, desde pequeño muestra interés por las letras y el libre pensamiento. Actualmente radica en la región Tijuana/San Diego.

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