Yiddish, an Introduction to Language Literature and Culture

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The Yiddish courseware designed by Sheva Zucker is a great tool for High school and college students as well as self-learners interested in Yiddish Language, Literature and Culture.

Mrs. Zucker has been a Yiddish teacher in Stanford University, Duke University, Columbia University and in Durham, NC.

The course has 3 elements, book one for beginners and a second band for Intermediate students and 8 audiocassettes, which are a perfect companion for the students.

The course even include, as a bonus, a tape with Yiddish dialects, which as far as we know is the only one available to allow student to recognize geographical and cultural differences among the various dialects within Yiddish.

The voice, the text, the print and the content are all clear, clean, well done, practical and useful making of this course, and the newest in the arena of Yiddish education, the best possible tool to learn Yiddish in the XXI century.

We even dare to recommend this course as a perfect graduation gift, which will accompany your son and daughter and make sure your student goes out to the world equipped with a perfect tool to stay in touch with his past, and may I dare to say, with its future.

An easy to use nice to give course, which will dress up your home, your mind and your spirit.

Yiddish, an Introduction to Language Literature and Culture will remain for a long time one of the best learning tools available.

Buy this book online.

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