Curso en la granja Yiddish en EE.UU.

Full Summer Program Apply Here “Yiddish Farm engages with the cultural and agricultural alike, fostering a nurturing environment where the Yiddish language’s future can blossom and thrive.” -Zusha, Summer 2015 ““They seemed …

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Curso en Tel Aviv

July 02 – July 27, 2017 The summer program will take place on the Tel Aviv University campus from July 02 to July 27, 2017. The program offers intensive Yiddish instruction …

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Los israelís son paranoides, arrogantes y creen que las reglas sociales no se aplican a ellos “porque fueron creadas por goyim” afirma Martin Indyk, el “diseñador” del “Mapa de la Paz” con el que se pretendía resolver el conflicto entre israelís y palestinos, (En Inglés)

Several Jewish organizations and leaders are expressing alarm over former U.S. diplomat Martin Indyk’s role in the Obama administration’s recent Israel policy moves. Indyk served as U.S. ambassador to Israel, …

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