Abren inscripciones para los cursos de Yiddish en Vilna

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The Vilnius Yiddish Institute at the Vilnius University announces

the Vilnius Yiddish
Summer Program 2016
17. July – 12. August 2016
Come study and immerse yourself in Yiddish language, literature, and culture in the only intensive Yiddish summer program in Eastern Europe at the VilniusYiddishInstitute. This one-of-a-kind program is hosted at the renowned Vilnius University near the surviving remnants of the prewar cultural capital of Yiddish language, literature, and scholarship. Its permanent and visiting faculty consists of world-renowned experts – educators, scholars, contemporary Yiddish authors, and journalists – from Europe, Israel, Latin America, and the US.

Weekday morning classes – two 1.5 hour sessions – are offered at four levels. Level One: An intensive Elementary Yiddish language course featuring elements of grammar, literature, and folklore. Level Two: Lower Intermediate and Intermediate levels that foster mastery of Yiddish grammar, cultural literacy, and conversational Yiddish. Level Three: Intermediate level enhancing language proficiency and immersion with unabridged masterpieces of Yiddish fiction, poetry, and drama. Level Four: Upper Intermediate and Advanced levels focusing on in-depth engagement with major issues of Yiddish literature, language, and culture as well as elements of research and Yiddish scholarship.

Planned afternoon activities will include: special lectures on Yiddish and East European Jewish culture, directed Yiddish conversation sessions, Yiddish film screenings with critical introductions, select master classes in Yiddish stylistics and creative writing (for advanced level), Yiddish song and music workshops, as well as guided tours in Yiddish and English throughout Vilna (the prewar Yerusholayim de’Lita). Weekend excursions: To former sites of Yiddish life and culture (including a trip to Kovne / Kaunas), Friday-night Shabbos-tish celebrations and more.

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