Colegio Hebreo Tarbut lamenta la pérdida de su ex Director Shmuel Benalal Z”L

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El Consejo Directivo, el patronato y toda la comunidad Tarbut se unen a la pena que embarga a la familia Benalal por la trágica pérdida de nuestro querido ex Director Shmuel Benalal Z’L quien fue víctima del ataque terrorista perpetrado en días pasados en Mali.

Shmuel fungió como Director en los años 1991 — 1995

Siempre permanecerás en la memoria y los corazones de todos los que tuvimos el honor de conocerte.

Que la familia no sepa mas de penas

Shmuel Benalal
Faculty, Mandel School for Educational Leadership

Shmuel Benalal was the president of Telos Group Ltd., a consulting company that specializes in the international development of educ ation. Shmuel had more than twenty years of experience in international development projects of the World Bank, the European Union, USAID, DFID, UNESCO and UNICEF and as a consultant to Jewish communities around the world. His areas of professional involvement included: planning, decentralization, management, institutional development and educational leadership training. He serves as a senior consultant to governments in Eastern Europe, Latin America and Southeast Asia. In this framework Shmuel has written guidebooks on educational planning, development of schools, the integration of parent committees into education, and planning for the integration of special needs populations in education.

Previously, he was involved in the development of Jewish education outside Israel, served as principal of the Tarbut School in Mexico and served as an academic advisor and wrote curriculum at the Hebrew University of Jerusalem. Shmuel is a graduate of the Mandel Jerusalem Fellows at the Mandel Leadership Institute and has directed short term training programs at the Institute. Shmuel holds an MA in Jewish thought from the Hebrew University. He is a member of the Philosophy of Education Society of Great Britain, is certified by the Israel Association of Coaching as a master coach and was a research fellow at the Institute of Education in London.

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