“Erev Thanksgivukkah” Live with Hankus Netsky this Weds. Night!

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“Erev Thanksgivukkah” Live! Wednesday Night on the Yiddish Voice WUNR 1600-AM/Boston 11/27/13 7:30 PM
Internationally renowned Yiddish music master Hankus Netsky joins several musical friends live in-studio on “The Yiddish Voice” (WUNR 1600-AM, Boston) on Wednesday, November 27, 2013, at 7:30 PM, to celebrate “Erev Thanksgivukkah”, the eve of both Thanksgiving and the first day of Hanukkah, an extremely rare occurrence in Jewish and American calendars. Hanukkah music, as well as music giving thanks for America, will be played live.
Dr. Hankus Netsky, chair of the Contemporary Improvisation Department at the New England Conservatory, founder and director of the Klezmer Conservatory Band, and musical director, producer and arranger for “Eternal Echoes,” Itzhak Perlman’s acclaimed Jewish music project, featuring cantor Yitzchak Meir Helfgot. He has composed extensively for film, theater, and television, and has also collaborated on projects with such artists as Robin Williams, Joel Grey, and Theodore Bikel.
Besides Netsky, additional anticipated musical guests include Henry Carrey, Linda Gritz, and Dina Ressler.
Henry Carrey is a veteran Yiddish actor and singer, as well as the son of Leah Carrey, known on the Yiddish stage as Leyke Post, the late longtime Boston Jewish radio celebrity.
Linda Gritz is a founding member of the Boston Workmen’s Circle Yiddish Chorus, and leads monthly Yiddish singalongs in Brookline.
Dobe (Dena) Ressler is bandleader, cofounder, and clarinetist of Di Bostoner Klezmorim (yiddishmusic.com).
The Yiddish Voice (Dos Yidishe Kol), Boston’s weekly Yiddish-language radio show, is heard each week on WUNR 1600 AM from 7:30 PM to 8:30 PM and live-streamed on the Internet at www.yiddishvoice.com. For more information, visit www.yiddishvoice.com, email [email protected], or call 617-730-8484.
Mark David (“Meyer Dovid”)
Host/Producer, The Yiddish Voice
Twitter: @TheYiddishVoice
[Yiddish follows below, and in attached PDF.]
“ערבֿ חנודאַנק” בײַם ייִדישן קול —
  WUNR 1600-AM Boston 13/xi/27 7:30 אין אָװנט
װעלטבאַרימטער מײַסטער פֿון ייִדישער מוזיק הענקוס נעצקי און אַנדערע מוזיקאַלישע חבֿרים װעלן פּראַװען “ערבֿ חנודאַנק”, דעם צוזאַמענפֿאַל פֿון ערבֿ חנוכּה מיט ערבֿ דאַנקטאָג, זײער אַ גרױסע זעלטנקײט לױטן לוח און דעם אַמעריקאַנער קאַלענדאַר. מוזיק פּאַסיק פֿאַר בײדע יום-טובֿים װעט מען הערן, מיט בענטשן דאָס ערשטע חנוכּה-ליכטל דערצו. חוץ נעצקין װעלן אױך אױפֿטרעטן די װײַטערדיקע געסט: הענעך קערי, ליבע גריץ און דאָבע רעסלער.
דאָס ייִדישע קול איז די װעכנטלעכע באָסטאָנער ייִדישע ראַדיאָ־פּראָגראַם װאָס װערט טראַנסמיטירט אַלע מיטװאָך 7:30־8:30 אָװנט און אײנצײַטיק דורכן װעבזײַטל http://www.yiddishvoice.com.
כאַפּט אַ קוק אױפֿן װעבזײַטל אָדער שטעלט זיך אין פֿאַרבינדונג עלעקטראָניש אױפֿן אַדרעס [email protected] אָדער טװיטער: @TheYiddishVoice
אָדער טעלעפֿאָניש מיטן נומער 617-730-8484 נאָך װײַטערדיקער אינפֿאָרמאַציע װעגן דער פּראָגראַם.

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