Evento de la ADL este domingo a las 6 PM en el JCC de San Diego, CA

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ADL Anti-Semitism and Security: A Jewish Community Briefing

Dear friend,

As you know, there has been growing concern in our community about the rise of anti-Semitism and the impact this is having here in San Diego. We believe that now is the time to bring the community together to discuss these issues. The ADL will be holding a briefing this SUNDAY, MARCH 5th at 6:00 pm at the Lawrence Family JCC. This briefing is open to the entire community.

ADL will be presenting on current trends in anti-Semitism and we will also be hearing from Chief Zimmerman, San Diego Police Department, Sheriff Gore, San Diego Sheriff’s Office and Special Agent in Charge Eric Birnbaum, Federal Bureau of Investigation.

Event information and RSVP on the ADL Facebook Event Page.

There is no charge.

I hope you will be able to attend.

Warm regards,

Monica Bauer

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