Ex diplomático mexicano Andrés Roemer, invitado de honor para hablar ante observadores de la ONU (UN WATCH)

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Nuestro colaborador y amigo, el Dr. Andrés Roemer ha sido invitado de honor para hablar ante observadores de la ONU (UN WATCH), a continuación les compartimos la carta recibida para asistir a Ginebra, Suiza el próximo mes de septiembre, en donde además le será entregado el Premio de Derechos Humanos Eleanor Roosevelt.

Dear Dr. Roemer,

It was great to speak last night and we are delighted that you are willing to come to Geneva for our 2017 Human Rights Luncheon. I just wanted to send you a quick email with the first details so that we are all on the same page.

As mentioned over the phone, we are inviting you to be our Keynote Speaker at our annual Human Rights Luncheon, which will take place on Monday, September 11 in Geneva, Switzerland.  At the luncheon, you will be asked to speak for 20 minutes. In attendance will be 100 UN Watch friends as well as diplomats.

On this occasion, UN Watch would like to honor you with our Eleanor Roosevelt Human Rights Award. The Previous recipient of this distinguished award was Former Canadian Foreign Affairs Minister, John Baird.

In addition, we would also like to invite you on the following evening to a similar event in nearby Zurich, where we have a growing group of supporters who would be honored to hear from you. Should you be available and willing, we would ask you to speak for 20 minutes there as well.

We very much hope that you can join us for both events and we look forward to seeing you in September.

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