La Universidad de Haifa te invita a la conferencia “Negocios electronicos en la red, en una era enredada”

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La Universidad de Haifa y la Comunidad Sefaradí tienen el honor de invitarlo(s) a la magna conferencia que impartirá el

Profesor Sheizaf Rafaeli

Director del Centro para el estudio de Internet de la Universidad de Haifa,

Pionero en la investigación de internet, asesor en asuntos relacionados con información de internet para oficinas de gobierno y organizaciones internacionales.

Quien dictará la conferencia

“Redes Sociales, algo que te atrapa o te deja atrapado”

Acerca del Profesor Sheizaf Rafaeli

I. Curriculum Vitae

1. Personal Details

Born June 7, 1955, in Kibbutz Maagan Michael, Israel

Citizen of Israel, Married, 3 sons.

Home address: Hayarkon 42a, Haifa, Israel, 34462

Tel. (office) +972-4-8249578 (mobile) +972-52-3241777

Graduate School of Business Administration, Univ. of Haifa, Israel

Email: [email protected]

Home page:

2. Higher Education:

B.A., 1979, University of Haifa, Israel Graduated with High Department Honors, Sociology and Economics

M.A., 1980, The Ohio State University, Columbus, Ohio. Magna Cum Laude, International Communication

M.A. 1983, Stanford University, Independent Program, Institute for Communication Research, ICR

Ph.D., 1985, Stanford University, Independent Program, ICR

3. Academic ranks and tenure:

2005 – present

Graduate School of Management, University of Haifa

Full Professor (tenured)

1997 – 2005

Graduate School of Business Administration, University of Haifa

Associate Professor (tenured)

1992, 1993, 1995, 1996, 1997- present

School of Business Administration, University of Michigan

Visiting Associate Professor, Visiting Professor

2002 – present

Open University

Visiting Professor


Industiral Engineering,

Technion, Israel

Visiting Associate Professor

2004 – 2006

Arison School of Business Administration, Hertzelia Interdiciplinary Center

Visiting Professor

1991 – 1997

School of Business Administration, Hebrew University of Jerusalem

Senior Lecturer

(with tenure)

1985 – 1991

School of Business Administration, Hebrew University of Jerusalem


1996 – 1997

School of Business Administration, University of Haifa

Visiting Senior Lecturer


School of Business Administration,

University of Michigan

Visiting Assistant Professor


Michigan State University

Visiting Assistant Professor

1985 -1989

Stanford University

Visiting Assistant Professor


University of Sydney, Australia

Adjunct Associate Professor

4. Offices in University Academic Administration:

2009 – present Member, Council for Higher Education National

Tenure and Promotion Committee, Social Sciences and Law

2005– 2011 Head, Graduate School of Management, University of Haifa

2006 – 2012 Member, University of Haifa Executive Committee

2006 – present Member, University Board of Governors

2005 – 2012 Member, University Senate

2002 – 2008 Member, University E-Learning Steering Committee

2001 – 2006 Chair, University Computer Committee

2001 – 2007 Member, University Graduate Council

2000 – 2008 Chair, GSB research student (MA theses and doctoral students) committee

1999 – present Director and Co-Founder,
Center for the Study of the Information Society
(InfoSoc, )

1998 – present Member, GSB teaching committee

1998-2003 Member, University Library Committee

1992 – present Member, numerous Mala”g
(Council for Higher Education) committees


1991-1998, Chair, MIS Area, School of Business Administration,
Hebrew University.

Invited and Ad-hoc Reviewer in: The Information Society, ACM-TOIS The ACM Transactions on Information Systems,IJKL- International Journal on Knowledge ad Learningl International Journal of Man-Machine Studies, Megamot, Status, JCMC – Journal of Computer Mediated Communication, Communication Research, Organizational Behavior and Human Decision Processes, Information and Software Technology, Journal of Communication, Computers and the Social Sciences, Computers and Social Science Review, Computers and Education, JAIS – Journal of the Association of Information Systems, Computers in Human Behavior(CHB), Journal of Organizational Computing (JOC), Organization Science.

5. Scholarly Positions and Activities Outside the University

1994 – present Co-founder, Editor, and Member of Editorial Board,

Journal of Computer-Mediated Communication (JCMC).

2008 – present Member, Editorial board of ACM – TOIS The ACM Transactions on Information Systems

2005 – present Member, Editorial board of CIIM CMR Editorial Advisory Board

2003 – present Member of Editorial Board, IJKL – International Journal of

Knowledge Management and Learning

2010 – present Member, Editorial Board, Academic Teaching

2008,9 Member, Program Committee, ISOC Annual Conference
2005 – present Vice-Chair, Doctoral Studies, ILAIS Association for Information Systems, Israel

2005 – present Member, Israel National Commission for UNESCO

2004 – Program Chair, Association of Internet Research (AoIR) 5th Annual Conference, Sussex, United Kingdom, 2004

2004 – present Member of Academic Advisory Board, UnWire-Jerusalem Project,

Jerusalem Municipality

2003 – present Member of International Academic Board, E-Academy,

Jewish Agency

2002 – present Founding member, advisory board

1999 – present Jury member, Stockholm Challenge Information Technology Prize,

1999 – present Member of Academic Advisory Board, Lehava,

National Digital Divide Elimination Project

1996 – Guest Editor, Special issue of Journal of Communication, Vol 46(1) 1996.

1995 – 2001 Academic Advisory Board, Center for Educational Technologies

1994 – present Co-founder and director, Macom Networking,

1993 – present Director and member of advisory board of several start-ups

in Hi-Tech Industries

1992 – present. Consultant, Intel, Inc.

1990 – present Consultant, Israeli Ministries of Labor & Welfare, Finance,

Science, Industry and Commerce, Justice

1993 – 1995 Consultant, Netzivut Sherut Hamedina

1993 – 1999 Consultant, Merkaz Hahasbara

1988 – present. Consultant, Israeli Defence Forces (IDF, Zah”al)

1983 – 1989 Radio Free Europe/Radio Liberty Audience Research

1983 – 1985 ComputerPals International Project

Executive Training and Instruction:

Center for Executive Training, School of Business

Administration, Hebrew University of Jerusalem, 1985 – present.

JOINT Executive Development Program, 1986 – present.

Cyprus International Institute of Management 1995 – present.

Tel Aviv College of Management, 1988 – 1993.

Haifa University School of Business Administration 1996 – present.

MI”L – Israeli Center for Management 1986 – present.

1981 – 1984 Visiting Faculty, International Business Machines (IBM),

San Jose California, Management Development,.

Regional Coordinator, Institute of Students and Faculty on Israel (ISFI) USA MidWest 1979 — 1981; USA West Coast 1981 – 1985

1977-9 Chief Education Officer, Israeli Military Academy, Civilian Rank of Major

1976-7 Juvenile Delinquents Instructor (“Madrich Havurot Rechov”)

1973- 1977 Military Service, combat unit, Captain.

6.(A) Active Participation in Scholarly Conferences:

Participated in dozens of scholarly conferences, presented papers, served as discussant and chair, and occasionally prepared panels. Most recent conferences include:

GOR, General Online Research

University of Mannheim, Germany, 2012

Electronic Business Conference

Korean National University, Seoul South Korea, 2011, 2012

TEMPUS ECOMMIS Teaching Electronic Business

Dnepropetrovsk, Ukraine 2011

Berlin, Germany, 2012

IEEE Social Computing

MIT Media Lab, 2011

I-Schools I-Conference

University of North Carolina, Chapel Hill, February 2009

Business Administration in Asia

New Delhi, India, January 2009

ICIS – International Conference on Information Systems

Paris, France December 2008

Meaningful Play

East Lansing, Michigan October 2008


Montreal, Canada 2007

ICIS International Conference on Information Systems

Milwaukee, Wisconsin US, 2007

AoIR Association of Internet Researchers

Vancouver, Canada, 2007


Harvard University, Boston US 2006; Haifa, Israel 2011


Aarhus, Denmark, 2006


Edinburgh, Scotland 2006

ICA: International Communication Association

Dresden, Germany 2006

Future of the Jewish People

Wye Plantation, Maryland USA, 2006

Hong Kong Mobility Roundtable

Hong Kong, 2005

HICSS, International Conference on System Sciences

Hawaii, 2000, 2002, 2004, 2005

ICEB, International Conference on Electronic Business

Singapore, 2003

IADIS, International Association for Development of the Information Society

Lisbon, Portugal (2003)


San Diego (1986) Copenhagen (1990), New York (1991) Washington DC (2004)

Association of Internet Researchers

Minneapolis (2001), Maastricht (2002)

Euricom, Ford Foundation

Neijmegen, Netherlands (2002)


Monterey, CA, Santa Cruz, CA, Boston, MA


Eilat, 2000; Helsinki (2002)

UNC conference on Infomration Science and Knowledge Mangement

Chapel Hill, North Carolina (2001)

Computers in the Social Sciences


ICA, International Communication Association

San Diego

IAMCR, International Association of Mass Communication Research

Boston, Chicago, Sydney (AU), Dublin, New Orleans, Jerusalem.

International World Wide Web Conference

Barcelona (2001)

ASIS, The Association for the Study of Information Systems, ICIS

Chicago, Paris (1994, 1998, 2003)

Copenhagen, Atlanta., Baltimore (1991, 1996, 1998)

6 (B). Organization and Chairing of Conferences

1. Invited Keynote Speaker and Chair, Payis Culture Policy for Israel, Jerusalem Theater, May 2009.

2. Invited Keynote Speaker and Chair, Bezeq (Israel Telecomm.) Conference on Bandwidth, 2009.

3. Invited Keynote Speaker and Chair, Association of Internet Researchers (AoIR) Annual Conference, Milwaukee, WI, 2009

4. Invited presentations, session and panel chair “Meital” conferences: 2002, 2003, 2004, 2005, 2006, 2007, 2008.

5. Invited Keynote talks and session chair in IL”A (Israeli Data Analysis Association) conferences 1999 – 2005

6. Invited Keynote speaker, Israel Internet Association (ISOC-IL) Annual Conferences, 1999- 2009

7. Keynote talk presented at the Euricom Research Conference, Neijmegen Netherlands, October 2002.

8. Organizing Committee, IBM conferences on Knowledge Work, 2002, 2003, 2004

9. Chair and discussant, ICA, AoIR, ICIS, HICSS, AECT, AERA, ICA, ISOC and other conferences, both panels and plenary sessions.

6. (C ) Colloquia, Talks and other invited addresses:

Invited Keynote Speaker and provided addresses at
– National library Conference oin E-Books and the Future of Books, May 2011

– Center for Educational Technology, Future of the Textbook in a Digital World, March 2011

– Mishkenot Shaananim Ethics in Computing Conference, Winter 2011

– ICIS Doctoral Consortium Paris and Essec France (2008)

– HR Congress conference (2007)

– Chair, HICSS and ACM-SIG-CHI (2004, 2005, 2006)

– AoIR Second Annual conference (Minneapolis, MN USA) (2001),
– Neijmegen Netherlands Ford Euricom conference on CMC (2002),
– CoCoNet Helsinki, Finland (2002)

– IBM COOPIS conference (2000)
– Mofet conferences (1999, 2003, 2005)

Presented invited colloquia and talks at University of Southern California, Stanford University, UC Berkeley and University of California Santa Barbara, University of North Carolina, Carnegie Mellon University, Duke University, Harvard University, Oxford University (UK), Sloan School of Business Administration, Ohio State University, Michigan State University, University of Michigan, Hebrew University of Jerusalem, Van Leer Institute, Fordham University, Rutgers University, University of Washington, University of Montreal, Carleton University, Open University (UK), University of Tuebingen, University of Gottingen, University of Mannheim, University of Sydney, Technion, Tel Aviv University, Open University (Israel), Bar Ilan University (Israel), Ben Gurion University of the Negev, University of Virginia (Darden School of Business Administration), Interdisciplinary Center (IDC), Hertzeliya, Israel, California State University: Pomona, Monterey, San Jose and Hayward campuses..

8. Scholarships, Awards and Research grants:

1. Research Award, Israel Internet Association, 240,000 NIS (2012), with Appleseeds Academy. (+Bezeq?)

2. Curriculom Development Award (??), TEMPUS E-commis, Tempus IV programme, the Executive Agency (EACEA), European Union (2011)

3. Special Commendation, The Israel Chamber of Information Systems Analysts, February, 2011

4. IBM OCR: Open Collaboration Research award, $20,000 US (2010) and $40,000 US (2011) with Daphne Raban

5. Research Award “Online Social Networks and Information Sharing”, $25,000 (US) Yahoo Research, (2009). With Gad Landau.

6. Research Award, “Study of Online Consumption” 150,000 NIS Ministry of Commerce, Israel, 150,000 NIS (2009)

7. Research Award, Leadership in Wikipedia, 10,000 $US, (2008) Burda Research Center. With Yaron Ariel and Zack Hayat.

8. Research Award, “Knowledge Management among Consulting Professionals, 100,000 NIS, Govt. of Israel (2008)

9. Research Award, ISF Israel Science Foundation, 280,000 NIS, (2006-2008) with Gilad Raviv, Shifra Baruchson-Arbiv and Judith Bar-Ilan.

10. Citation of Honor, The National Council for Voluntarism in Israel and the Israel InternetAssociation (2005).

11. Research Award, Vata”t, 135,000 NIS+ matching funds, for study of Online Questioning (2005)

12. Research Award, Ministry of Labor, Online E-Government research 40,000 NIS(2005)

13. Research Award, Mifal Hapayis (National Lottery Authority) 15,000 NIS for study of information systems in the service of local government, with Michal Cohen-Gilat, (2005)

14. Research Award, project on Social Use in Recommender Systems, Net-4-As, $30,000, (2005).

15. Intel Academy Relations, $20,000, “Unwired Jerusalem”
Evaluation and Formative Process (2004-2005)

16. IBM, International Business Machines, Grant for participation in IBM Academic Days (2004).

17. CRI $30,000 for futher development of QSIA: Online Knowledge Assessment an Sharing project (2003-4)

18. Excellence in Teaching Award
(Best Teacher), Technion MBA program
(Tel Aviv and Haifa campuses, 1999, 2002, 2004)

  1. Grants for implementation of “Hulia” and Business Management Online Computer Simulation activities in industry – management development. Granting agencies include Bank HaPoalim, Bank Leumi, Rafael Industries, Intel Corp., Tower Semi-Conductors, Tivol Food industries, Kibbutz industries.
    Total of $42,000 (1999-present)

  2. Prechel Foundation, University of Mannheim Travel Grant 1000 Euro (2003)

21. Meital, Competitive Inter-University Higher Education and Technology Research Award, $3000 (2003)

22. Caesarea Rothschild Foundation for Interdisciplinary Applications (CRI) $40,000 (2001) for development and study of e-learning system, and with Prof. Meshulam, $36,000 (2002) for online simulation

23. Ford Foundation, Scholar Travel grant ($1200) (2002)

24. US-Israel BiNational Science Fund BSF & NCIP, with Prof. Adoni, $6000/$25,000 (2001)

25. Israeli Ministry of Labor and Welfare, Total of 380,000 NIS (~ 50,000 US$) (1997, 1998, 2000, 2001, 2003-4)

26. Israeli Ministry of Science (with Dr. M. Beller) Hypertextual Intranet “Tools for Teaching” 200,000 NIS, ~65,000 US$. (1996/7).

27. Israeli Ministry of Science (with Dr. N. Tractinsky) Online counseling system (Shi”l) 290,000 NIS, (~100,000 US$) (1996/7)

28. Compuserve Inc.: Study of Electronic Distribution lists: the qualities of “threads”. $2000 (US) (1992 – 1993).

29. Research Grant, The Communication Technology Laboratory, E. Lansing, Michigan, $8000 (US) (1990 – 1991)

30. Top Three Paper Award: International Communication Association, Human Communication Technology, (1989).

31. Alon Scholarship, Israeli Council for Higher Education, (1985-1988).

32. The Annual Researcher Award, Best Research Paper Association for Educational Communication Technology, AECT AERA January, (1985)

33. Stanford University – academic merit scholarship, (1981 – 1983).

34. Ohio State University – academic merit scholarship, (1980 – 1981).

35. Kappa Tau Alpha – National Scholastic Honor Society, (1980).

9. Teaching:

A. Courses taught:

· Online Games and Simulations (graduate, Executive and corporate versions)

· E-Business, The Computer as a Medium, both undergraduate and graduate versions.

· New Communication Technologies, both undergraduate and graduate versions.

· Organizational Communication, a graduate, MBA course.

· Business Management Integrative Game (graduate level)

· Supply Chain and Information Systems (graduate and Ph.D. level)

· Information Visualization Research in Information Systems

a graduate research seminar.

· Introduction to Computers and Information Systems,

an undergraduate and a graduate version.

· Computer Programming in Management, an undergraduate course.

· Managerial Computing, an undergraduate course.

· Advanced Spreadsheets in Management Science a graduate, MBA course.

· Research Methods, a graduate, MBA course.

· Computer Applications in Social Science Research, an undergraduate course.

· Analysis and Design of Information Systems a graduate, MBA course.

· Strategic Uses of Information Systems a graduate, MBA course.

· Microcomputer Laboratory, an undergraduate course.

· Communication Technologies and Social Change a graduate, MBA course.

B. Supervision of graduate students in recent years:


Relationship and topic

Time period

Moshe Yerushalmy, Miriam Barak, Pavel Andreev,


Susan Hazan

Post-Doc Fellows


Gad Quentin Jones Michael Dahan

Orly Turgeman

Gilad Ravid

Daphne Raban

Avi Noy













Yuval Dan-Gur



Yoram Kalman



Shiri Magen



Zack Hayat



Fay Sudweeks

Doctoral diss., Australia

1994 – 2004

Yaron Ariel

Asmaa Genayem

Ruth Avidar

Jumanah Issa, Amit Rechavi, Benny Bornfeld




Dissertations in progress




Gili Korner, Dorit Geifman, Roni Ram, Vova Soroka, Itai Banner, Alex Rosenberg, Sharona Avitai, Eilat Chen-Levy, Hila Koren, Carmel Kent, Nirit Weiss, Inbar Tubi, Ganit Ricter, Nurit Medelovich

Doctoral proposals in progress (“shlav aleph”)

Gilad Ravid

Masters Thesis, Hebrew University

MA, 1997

Yaron Ariel

Masters Thesis, Dept. of Comm.

MA, 2004

Vova Soroka

Masters Thesis, Dept. of Comm.

MA, 2005

Shamir Ahituv

Masters Thesis, Hebrew University

MA, 1995

Noam Tractinsky

Masters Thesis, Hebrew University

MA, 1991

Shlomo Lazar

Masters Thesis, Hebrew University

MA, 1990

Benjamin Czaczkes

Masters Thesis, Hebrew University

MA, 1989

Itamar Shabtai,
Ilan Lamdan,

Masters Theses, Hebrew University

I am currently serving on several additional doctoral committees in Israel and abroad as an external member.

II. Publications:

A. Ph.D. Dissertation:

Title: “On Interacting with Media”, English, 112 pages, 1985. Supervisors: S. Chaffee, E. Rogers, T. Winograd, Stanford University.

B. Books

B (1) Textbooks

1. Rafaeli, S. and S. Lazar, The Electronic Spreadsheet Jerusalem, Academon (in Hebrew). First edition, 1988 (560 p.) Second edition, 1990 (690 p.) (authored).

2. Rafaeli, S., Information, Information Systems, and Management, (1995, 1998, 2000-2004) Course and book, Tel Aviv, Open University, (in Hebrew). [Available online,]. (Authored. Multiple editions)

3. Rafaeli, S., NANAS, Statistical Analysis of Data, (book and software package, Hebrew and English), Nagid Publications, Tel Aviv, 1994. (120 p. authored).

B (2) Scientific, Edited Books

1. Sudweeks, M.McLaughlin and Rafaeli, S., Network and NetPlay: Virtual Groups on the Internet, AAAI MIT Press, (1998).

2. Rafaeli, S., Consalvo, M. and O’Riordan K. (Eds.) (in press, expected 2005) InternetResearch Compendium. Internet Research Annual, Volume 3. Peter Lang Publishers.

C. Articles in Refereed Journals:

C (1) Refereed journal articles (published):

  1. Andreev, P., Pliskin, N., and Rafaeli, S. (2012). “Drivers and Inhibitors of Mobile-Payment Adoption by Smartphone Users”, the International Journal of E-Business Research (IJEBR),.8 (3), 50-67.
  1. Sharon Finzi, Jenny Bronstein, Judit Bar-Ilan, Shifra Baruchson-Arbib, Sheizaf Rafaeli, Gilad Ravid,(2012),”Volunteers acting as information providers to citizens”, Aslib Proceedings, 64 (3), 289 – 303.
  1. Rechavi, A. and Rafaeli, S. (2012) Knowledge and Social Networks in Yahoo Answers, Proceedings of the 45th HICSS Annual Conference, pp. 781-790

  2. Rechavi, A. and Rafaeli, S. (2011) Not All Is Gold That Glitters: Response Time and Satisfaction Rates in Yahoo! Answers, IEEE Second Annual Social Computing Proceedings, SocialComp/Passat, MIT Media Lab, pp. 904-909

  3. Geifman, D., Raban, D. R., and Rafaeli, S. (2011). P-MART: Towards a classification of online prediction markets, First Monday, 16 (7).
  1. Kalman, Y. and Rafaeli, S. (2011) Online pauses and silence: Chronemic expectancy violations in written computer-mediated communication. Communication Research, 38 (1) 54-69.

  2. Rafaeli, S. (2010), Management Studies and Business Degrees , Status Issue 232, pp. 20-26

  3. Rafaeli, S. and Segev, L. (2010) Hinuch dot Com: Mischakim Retziniyim (Serious Games) , Hed Hahinuch December 2010, pp. 90-93

  4. Rafaeli S. (2010) Book Review of Tal Samuel-Azran and Dan Caspi’s New media and Innovative Technologies, Edited by Tal Samuel-Azran & Dan Caspi, Beer Sheva: Ben Gurion University Press.

  5. Avidar, R., & Rafaeli, S. (2010). Computer mediated charity: Israeli nonprofit use of Web 1.0 and Web 2.0 online dialogic elements. The Journal of Global Management Research (accepted, forthcoming)

  6. Rafaeli, S., Hayat, T. and Ariel Y. (2009) Knowledge Building and Motivations in Wikipedia: Participation as “Ba”. In Francisco J. Ricardo (ed.) Cyberculture and New Media, (pp. 52-69), Amsterdam, New York, Rodopi

  7. Nov, O. and Rafaeli, S. (2009) Measuring the premium on common knowledge in computer-mediated coordination problems, Computers in Human Behavior 25 (2009) pp. 171-174

  8. Ganayem, A.N., Rafaeli, S. and Azaiza, F (2009) Digital Gap: Internet Use in the Arab Society in Israel. (Hebrew) Megamot.46(1-2) pp. 164-196

  9. Rafaeli, S., & Ariel, Y. (2008). Online motivational factors: Incentives for participation and contribution in Wikipedia. In A. Barak (Ed.), Psychological aspects of cyberspace: Theory, research, applications (pp. 243-267). Cambridge, UK: Cambridge University Press. Available online as . The support site for the book is here:

  10. Rafaeli, S. Hayat, T. and Ariel, Y. (2008) Virtual Knowledge-Building Communities , in Putnik, G.D. and Cunha, M.M. Encyclopedia of Networked and Virtual Organizations, New York: Information Science Reference, Volume 3, pp. 1792-1796.

  11. Ravid, G., Kalman, Y.M., Rafaeli, S. (2008). Wikibooks in Higher Education: Empowerment through Online Distributed Collaboration. Computers in Human Behavior (24), pp. 1913-1928.

  12. Harper, M. F., Raban, D. R., Konstan, J. K. and Rafaeli, S. (2008). Predictors of Answer Quality in Online Q&A sites. Proceedings of ACM-CHI 2008, Florence, Italy.

  13. Barak, M. and Rafaeli, S. (2008) QSIA Online Knowledge Sharing System: Shared Development and Peer Evaluation”, (Hebrew) Al-Hagova, Issue 7, pp. 25-29.

  14. Rafaeli, S., Raban, D.R. and Ravid, G. (2007) “Social And Economic Incentives in Google Answers” in K. Sangeetha and P. Sivarajadhanavel (Eds.) Google’s Growth, A Success Story ICFAI University Press, pp. 150-161

  15. Lytras, M.D., Rafaeli, S. Downes, S. Naeve, A. and Ordonez de Pablos, P. (Special Issue Editors) (2007) “Learning and Interacting in the Web: Social networks and Social Software in the Web 2.0”. Special Issue of International Journal of Knowledge and Learning (IJKL), Volume 3, Nos 4/5, pp. 367-548. InderScience

  16. Rafaeli, S. and Ariel, Y. (2007) “Assessing Interactivity in Computer-Mediated Research”, in Joinson, A.N., McKenna, K.Y.A., Postmes, T. and Rieps, U.D. (Eds.) The Oxford Handbook of Internet Psychology , Oxford University Press, (Chapter 6, pp. 71-88)

  17. Rafaeli, S., Raban, D.R. and Ravid, G. (2007) ‘How social motivation enhances economic activity and incentives in the Google Answers knowledge sharing market’, International Journal of Knowledge and Learning ( IJKL ), Vol. 3, No. 1, pp.1-11

  18. Ravid, G. Bar-Ilan, J. Baruchson-Arbib, S. and Rafaeli, S. (2007) Popularity and findability through log analysis of search terms and queries: the case of a multilingual public service website , Journal of Information Science, 34(2) 131-144

  19. Kalman, Y. M., Ravid, G., Raban, D. R., and Rafaeli, S. (2006). Pauses and response latencies: A chronemic analysis of asynchronous CMC. Journal of Computer-Mediated Communication, ( JCMC ) 12(1), article 1.

  20. Ravid, G., Bar-Ilan, J., Rafaeli, S. and Baruchson-Arbib, S. (2006), Analysis of Queries Reaching SHIL on the Web – An Information System Providing Citizen Information , in O. Etzion, T. Kuflik, and A. Motro (Eds.): NGITS 2006, LNCS 4032, pp. 26 – 37, Springer-Verlag, Berlin-Heidelberg 2006.

  21. Raban, D.R. and Rafaeli, S. (2006) The Effect of Source Nature and Status on the Subjective Value of Information Journal of the American Society for Information Science and Technology ( JASIST ), Volume 57, Issue 3 (p 321-329)

  22. Raban, D.R. and Rafaeli, S. (2007) Investigating ownership and the willingness to share information online , Computers in Human Behavior 23 (2007) 2367-2382

  23. Rafaeli, S. and Noy, A. (2006) Social Presence: Influence on Bidders in Internet Auctions, Vol. 15, issue 2 EM – Electronic Markets
    the International Journal of Electronic Commerce & Business Media
    pp. 158-177

  24. Noy, A. and Rafaeli, S. (2005) Simulating internet auctions online: effects of learning and experience, Int. J. Simulation & Process Modelling , Vol. 1, Nos. 3/4, pp.161-170.

  25. Rafaeli, S., Dan-Gur,. and Barak, M. (2005) Social Recommender Systems: Recommendations in Support of E-Learning, International Journal of Distance Education Technologies (IJDET), Special issue on Knowledge Management Technologies, Exploiting Knowledge Flows and Knowledge Networks for Learning. 3 (2) pp. 29-45.
  26. Rafaeli, S. and Raban, D.R. (2005) Information Sharing Online: A Research Challenge, in the International Journal of Knowledge and Learning, (inaugural issue) Vol. 1, Issue 1-2, pp. 62-80.
  1. Ravid, G. and Rafaeli, S. (2004) Asynchronous discussion groups as Small World and Scale Free Networks, First Monday, volume 9, number 9 (September 2004),

  2. Rafaeli, S. (2004) Constructs in the Storm, in Internet Research Annual, Volume 1, Edited by M. Consalvo, N. Baym, J. Hunsinger, K.B. Jensen, J. Logie, M. Murero, L.R. Shade, Digital Formations, Volume 19, Peter Lang Publishers. p. 55-65

  3. Barak, M. & Rafaeli, S. (2004) Online Question-Posing and Peer-Assessment as Means for Web-based Knowledge Sharing in Learning,
    International Journal of Human-Computer Studies Vol 61, issue 1 pp 84-103

  4. Jones, G. Ravid, G. and Rafaeli S. (2004) Information Overload and the Message Dynamics of Online Interaction Spaces: A Theoretical Model and Empirical Exploration , Information Systems Research Vol. 15 Issue 2, June 2004, pp. 194-210.

  5. Rafaeli, S., Barak, M. Dan-Gur, Y., and Toch, E. (2004) QSIA – A web based environment for learning, assessing and knowledge sharing in communities, Computers and Education Volume 43 Issue 3 pp. 273-289.

  6. Rafaeli, S. and Raban, D. (2003) The Subjective Value of Information: An experimental comparison of willingness to purchase or sell information, JAIS: The Journal of the Association for Information Systems (AIS).
    Vol. 4:5 pp. 119-139
  1. Rafaeli, S. & Raban, D.R. (2003 ) The Subjective Value of Information: Trading expertise vs. content, copies vs. originals in E-Business, The Third International Conference on Electronic Business (ICEB 2003), pp. 451-455.
  1. Gordon, M., Fan, W., Rafaeli, S., Wu, H. and Farag, N.(2003) The architecture of commKnowledge:combining link structure and user actions to support an online community’, International Journal of Electronic Business,Vol.1, No.1, pp.69-82
  1. Rafaeli, S. and Ravid, G. (2003) Information sharing as enabler for the virtual team: an experimental approach to assessing the role of electronic mail in disintermediation, Information Systems Journal. Vol. 13:2, pp. 191-206
  1. Rafaeli, S. & Noy, A. (2002), Online auctions, messaging, communication and social facilitation: a simulation and experimental evidence, European Journal of Information Systems, September 2002, vol. 11, no. 3, pp. 196-207.
  1. Rafaeli, S. & Ravid, G. (2001) Research through online simulation of team coordination, communication, and information sharing , INFORMS: Group Decision and Negotiation and EuroGDSS Group Decision and Negotiation 2001, pp. 237-242

43. Jones, Q. & Rafaeli, S. (2000) Time to Split, Virtually: ‘Discourse Architecture’ and ‘Community Building’ Create Vibrant Virtual Publics. Electronic Markets Vol 10 (4), December 2000, pp. 1-10.

44. Ravid, G. & Rafaeli, S., (2000) Multiplayer, internet and Java-based simulations games:Learning and research in implementing a computerized version of the beer-distribution supply chain game”, Websim 2000, Web-Based Modeling and Simulation, Simulation Councils Inc. (ISBN: 1-56555-192-3). Vol. 32, 2, pp. 15-24,

45. Rafaeli, S. and G. Ravid, OnLine, (1997) Web Based Learning Environment for an Information Systems course: Access logs, Linearity and Performance, in ISECON ’97 Information Systems Education. pp. 92-100.

  1. Rafaeli, S. and F. Sudweeks “Interactivity on the Nets”, Journal of Computer Mediated Communication (JCMC), Vol 2, Issue 4, March 1997. Also to appeared later, in a revised form in Sudweeks, Mclaughlin and Rafaeli, S. “Network and Netplay: Virtual Groups on the Internet”, AAAI MIT Press, 1998.

47. Rafaeli, S., (1996) Who Owns Information? From Privacy to Public Access The Information Society Vol 12 (2), pp. 243-247, Spring, 1996.

  1. J. Newhagen, and Rafaeli, S. Why Communication Researchers Should Study the Internet Journal of Communication , (1996) Vol. 46:1, pp. 3 – 15. See also modified version online, in JCMC,
  1. Rafaeli, S., (1995) “The Information Highway: Are We Moving Yet?” Executive, Vol.1, issue 3 (March-April 1995), p. 104-112. (in Hebrew)

  2. J. Newhagen, and Rafaeli, S. (1995) Communication Research Studying the Internet Journal of Computer-Mediated Communication (JCMC) Vol 1 Issue 4,

51. Rafaeli, S. and Robert J. LaRose (1993) Electronic Bulletin Boards and “Public Goods” Explanations of collaborative mass media”, Communication Research, April, 1993, 20(2) 177-197.

52. Rafaeli, S. and N. Tractinsky, “Time in computerized tests: A multi-trait multi-method investigation of general knowledge and mathematical­ reasoning in online examinations” Computers in Human Behavior, Vol. 7 (2), 1991, p. 123-142.

53. Rafaeli, S., “Review of Computer Mediated Communication” Journal of Communication, Fall, 1990 37(3) 215-219.

54. Rafaeli, S., “Interacting with Media: ParaSocial Interaction and Real Interaction”, Information and Behavior, Vol 3., p. 125-181, “Mediation, Information and Communication”, Brent D. Ruben and Leah A. Lievrouw (eds.) Transaction Publishers: New Brunswick, NJ, 1990.

55. Rafaeli, S., “Soapware: The fit between software and advertising” Information and Software Technology, Vol 31:5, p. 268-275, (June 1989).

56. Rafaeli, S. and N. Tractinsky, “Computerized tests and time: Measuring, limiting and providing visual cues for time in computerized tests” Behaviour and Information Technology, Vol. 8, No. 5, p. 335-353, September – October 1989.

57. Rafaeli, S., “One scenario for the software market”Computers and Society Digest (USENET) Vol. 3, No. 2, December 1987. Modified version reprinted as “Might software become cheap by carrying advertising”, in NCSU Computing Center Newsletter, March 1988, pp. 1-15.

58. Rafaeli, S., “Interactivity: From new media to communication” Sage Annual Review of Communication Research: Advancing Communication Science Vol. 16 p. 110-134, Sage: Beverly Hills, CA, 1988.

59. Rafaeli, S., A. Alkalai, S. Lazar, and O. Mizrachi, “Illegal copying of software”, Maase Hoshev, Information Processing Association of Israel Vol. 14, No. 5, p. 13-31, October 1987 (in Hebrew). See Modified versions reprinted in Proceedings of the National Conference on Data Processing, “ILA”, Jerusalem, 1987, p. 106-13, as well as in Naomi Assia, (ed), Computer Law, NADIR, Tel Aviv, 1987 (in Hebrew).

60. Rafaeli, S., “The electronic bulletin board: A computer driven mass medium” Computers and the Social Sciences, Vol. 2, No. 3, July – September 1986, p. 123-136.

61. E.M. Rogers and Rafaeli, S., “Computers and Communication” Information and Behavior, Vol 1, p. 95-112, Academic Press, 1985.

  1. L.B. Becker, S. Dunwoody and Rafaeli, S., “Cable’s impact on the use of newspapers” Journal of Broadcasting, Vol. 27:2, p. 127-140, Spring 1983

C (3) Edited Journal Issues:

  1. Note dozens of weekly columns published in Globes, YNet and Calcalist. All available from home page.

  2. McLaughlin, M. and Rafaeli, S. (editors), Journal of Computer Mediated Communication, (JCMC) Vol 3. Issue 1, June 1997, Studying the Net (Methodology and the Study of CMC).
  1. McLaughlin, M. and Rafaeli, S. (editors), Guest Editor: F. Sudweeks Journal of Computer Mediated Communication, (JCMC) Vol 2. Issue 4, March 1997, Network and Netplay: Usenet
  1. J. Newhagen and Rafaeli, S., (editors), Journal of Communication , Vol. 46:1, January 1996. Symposium on the Net: Special Issue
  1. McLaughlin, M. and Rafaeli, S. (editors), Guest Editor: J. Konstan, Journal of Computer Mediated Communication, (JCMC) Vol 2. Issue 3, December 1996, Information Spaces
  1. McLaughlin, M. and Rafaeli, S. (editors), Guest Editor: A. Branscomb, Journal of Computer Mediated Communication, (JCMC) Vol 2. Issue 2, September 1996, Emerging Law on the Electronic Frontier (II)
  1. McLaughlin, M. and Rafaeli, S. (editors), Guest Editor: A. Branscomb, Journal of Computer Mediated Communication, (JCMC) Vol 2. Issue 1, June 1996, Emerging Law on the Electronic Frontier (I)
  1. McLaughlin, M. and Rafaeli, S. (editors), Guest Editors: J. Newhagen and Rafaeli, S., Journal of Computer Mediated Communication (JCMC) Vol 1. Issue 4, March 1996, Symposium on the Net

9. McLaughlin, M. and Rafaeli, S. (editors), Guest Editor: C. Steinfield, Journal of Computer Mediated Communication, (JCMC) Vol 1. Issue 3, December 1995, Electronic Commerce

10. McLaughlin, M. and Rafaeli, S. (editors), Guest Editor: B. Danet, Journal of Computer Mediated Communication (JCMC) Vol 1. Issue 2, September 1995, Play and Performance in CMC

  1. McLaughlin, M. and Rafaeli, S. (editors), Guest Editor: S. R. Acker, Journal of Computer Mediated Communication, (JCMC) Vol 1. Issue 1, June 1995, Collaborative Universities

C (4) Other Scientific Publications (Technical Reports, Documents and Systems):

§ Shi”l site: (Sherut Yeutz LaEzrach) The Online Citizens’ Advice Bureau, (1993 – present) Multingual (Hebrew, English, Arabic, Russian) interactive site with over 5000 static pages and tens of thousands of recorded interactions. and . See access statistics at

§ Zafona site ( ) Nature preservation, educational wiki

§ Online wiki-based textbook: (with Gilad Ravid)

§ Rafaeli S. and Raban, D. (2002) Kaniti Ach Terem Haspikoti Leayen (consumed but not purchased), Status Vol. 10: 4 July 2002, p. 61-66. (in Hebrew, refereed journal)

§ Municipal clones of Shi”l. Online Citizens’ Advice Bureau local sites. Available now in a dozen municipal and regional editions, under development and diffusion to many more. See, for instance, for the Rishon Letzion site and for Kiryat Ono, 2002 – present.

§ Virtual Community Research annotated bibliography of papers, books, sites, courses and other resources. Available here: 2000- present.

§ Rafaeli, S. and Raban, D. (March 2004) Proceedings of the Second Annual Research Conference of the Center for the Study of the Information Society. Theme: The Value of Information in Networked Contexts. Haifa, InfoSoc and CRI.

§ Rafaeli, S. (ed. and pub) for I. Shnabel’s The Academic Channel: Developing the Model and its Implementation, Haifa, InfoSoc, 2003.

§ Rafaeli, S. Toch, E. Barak, M. QSIA users manual, Haifa, InfoSoc (both Hebrew and English versions,several editions). 2002 – present.

§ Rafaeli, S. and Raban, D. (November 2002) Proceedings of the First Annual Research Conference of the Center for the Study of the Information Society. Book and CD ROM. Computer-Mediated Communication, the Internet, and Social Aspects Thereof. Haifa, InfoSoc.

§ Rafaeli, S., Sudweeks, F., Konstan, J. and Mabry, E. ProjectH Technical Report, Methodology of Network Content Analysis University of Minnesota Technical Report #1550, 85 pages, University of Minnesota, 1994. Also available online, from the University of Sydney, as

§ Rafaeli, S. Hebrew: A Living Language, First ever online course in Hebrew ongoing: 1994-2002. This is an ongoing publication, constantly growing. [available online: (view through TimeMachine and ]

D. Book chapters:

  1. Kalman, Y.M., Raban, D.R., Rafaeli, S. (in press). Netified: social cognition in crowds and clouds. In Y. Amichai-Hamburger (Ed.), The social net: Human behavior in cyberspace, 2nd edition. Oxford, England: Oxford University Press.
  1. Rafaeli, S. (2009) Ethics in Computing, in Assa Kasher and Yitzhak Zamir (Ed.) Professional Ethics Primer, Magnes, Jerusalem Foundation and Mishkenot Shaananim (in Hebrew). Pp. 61-86
  1. Rafaeli, S. (2005, forthcoming) Technology and Freedom of Speech in M. Birnhack (Ed.) Freedom of Speech: An Interdisciplinary Perspective, Tel Aviv UniversityPress (in Hebrew).

  2. Rafaeli, S., Raban, D. and Kalman, Y (2005). Social Cognition Online, In Y. Amichai-Hamburger (Ed.), The Social Net: Human Behavior in CyberSpace. Oxford, England: Oxford UniversityPress, p. 56 – 90.

5. Schoberth, T.; Heinzl, A.; Rafaeli, S. (2004) Quantitative Heterogeneity in Virtual Communities. To appear in: Bartmann, D. (ed.): Abschlusstagung des Forschungsverbunds Wirtschaftinformatik Bayern (forwin), Nurnberg 2004

  1. Rafaeli, S. (2003) Introduction. In The Academic Channel: Developing the Model and its Implementation, I. Shnabel (Ed.), InfoSoc, p. 3
  1. Rafaeli, S., Raban, D. Ravid, G. and Noy, A. (2003) Online Simulations in Management Education about Information and its Uses, in Charles Wankel and Robert Defillipi Educating Managers with Tomorrow’s Technologies A Volume in: Research in Management Education and Development, Information Age Publishing,, Greenwich, CT. pp. 53-80
  1. Newhagen, J. and Rafaeli, S. (2001) Why should researchers study the ‘net: a dialogue, in D. Shinar Internet: Communication, Society and Culture, A Reader, Open University Press, pp. 41-56.
  1. Rafaeli, S. and Sudweeks, F.(1998) “Interactivity on the Nets”, in Sudweeks, Mclaughlin and Rafaeli “Network and Netplay: Virtual Groups on the Internet“, AAAI MIT Press, 1998. (Also appeared in modified and extended form in Journal of Computer Mediated Communication (JCMC), Vol 2 Issue 4).

10. Rafaeli, S., McLaughlin, M., and Sudweeks, F. (1998) “Interpersonal, Organizational, and Social Aspects of CMC”, in Sudweeks, Mclaughlin and Rafaeli “Network and Netplay: Virtual Groups on the Internet“, AAAI MIT Press, 1998

11. Sudweeks, F. and Rafaeli, S., (1996) “How do you get a hundred strangers to agree: Computer mediated communication and collaboration”, in T. H. Harrison and T.D. Stephen (eds), Computer Networking and Scholarship in the 21st Century University, (1996 ), pp. 115-137 SUNY Press.

12. Rafaeli, S. (1990) “Advertising to finance software: The feasibility of soapware”, In The Economics of Information Systems and Technology, R. Veryard (Ed.), 1990, London: Butterworths.

13. Rafaeli, S., Alkalai, A., Lazar, S. and Mizrachi, O. (1987) “Illegal copying of software”, Maase Hoshev, Information Processing Association of Israel, Vol. 14, No. 5, p. 13-31, October 1987 (in Hebrew. Please note that this is a refereed, competitive journal issue, and that the article was reprinted as a chapter in a book). Modified versions reprinted in Proceedings of the National Conference on Data Processing, “ILA”, Jerusalem, 1987, p. 106-13, as well as in Naomi Assia, (ed), Computer Law, NADIR, Tel Aviv, 1987 (in Hebrew).

E. Articles in Refereed Conference Proceedings

1. Ariel, Y., Levy, E.C., & Rafaeli, S. (2012). ‘Mobile Phone Users Behavior: The Israeli Case’. Presented at the 14th General Online Research 2012 (GOR12), March 5-7 2012, Cooperative State University Mannheim, Germany

2. Levy, E.C., Rafaeli, S., & Ariel, Y. (2012). ‘Online interruption effect on cognitive performance’ Presented at the 14th General Online Research 2012 (GOR12), March 5-7 2012, Cooperative State University Mannheim, Germany

3. Levy, E. C., Rafaeli, S., & Ariel, Y. (2011). “Richness of Interruption messages – take your time?”. Presented at IAMCR 2011. July 14 2011, Kadir Has University in Istanbul, Turkey

4. Ravid, G. Bar-Ilan, J. Baruchson-Arbib, S. Yaari, E. Weiss, N. and Rafaeli, S. (2010) MCIS 2010-pp. 69-91.

5. Bodoff, D. and Rafaeli, S. (2008) Emergence of terminological conventions as an author-searcher coordination game WWW-2008 (ACM World Wide Web ) pp. 1031-1034

6. Kalman, Y. and Rafaeli, S. (2005) Email Chronemics:
Unobtrusive Profiling of Response Times, accepted for publication in Proceedings of the 2005 Hawaii International Conference on System Sciences, HICSS-38, January 2005, pp. 106-110 (printed volume and CD).

7. Rafaeli, S., Ravid, G., & Soroka, V. (2004) De-lurking in virtual communities: a social communication network approach to measuring the effects of social/cultural capital , Proceedings of the 2004 Hawaii International Conference on System Sciences (HICSS 37) extended version online , , on CD and pp. 203-204.

8. Raban, D. and Rafaeli, S. (2004) “Buddy Can You Spare a Fact: Information Sharing Online”, IS-CORE (Information Systems Cognitive Research Exchange SIG) Pre-ICIS Proceedings, WashingtonDC (International Conference on Information Systems) AIS (Association for Information Systems).

9. Rafaeli, S., Raban, D. Ravid, G. and Noy, A. (2002) Online Simulations in Management Education about Information and its Uses, Proceedings of the AoIR third annual(Maastricht) Conference.

10. Jones, G. Ravid, G. & Rafaeli, S. (2001). Information Overload and Virtual Public Discourse Boundaries . Proceedings of IFIP on Human-Computer Interaction INTERACT ’01,pp. 43-49.

11. Jones Q., & Rafaeli. S., (2000) “What Do Virtual ‘Tells’ Tell?: Placing cybersociety research into a hierarchy of social explanation.” , In Proceedings of the Sixteenth Annual Hawaii International Conference on System Science (HICSS) Jan. 2000, IEEE Press.

12. Jones Q., & Rafaeli. S., (1999) “User Population and User Contributions to Virtual Publics: A Systems Model.” , In Proceedings of the ACM International Conference on Supporting Group Work (Group99). Phoenix, Arizona, USA, 1999, ACM Press.p. 239-249.

13. Tractinsky, N., Rafaeli, S., and Pliskin, N., (1998), “Lessons from Implementation of a Web Site for the Israeli Citizens’ Advice Bureau”, in Hoadley E.D. and Ben-Basat I. (Editors), Proceedings of the Americas Conference on Information Systems, pp. 101-104.

F. Recent conference papers and presentations:

  1. Kalman, Y. and Rafaeli, S. (2008) Chronemic Nonverbal Expectancy Violations in Written Computer Mediated Communication, paper presented to the International Communication Association Annual Conference, May 2008, Montreal CA

  2. Soroka, V. and Rafaeli, S. (2006) Invisible Participants: How Cultural Capital Relates to Lurking Behavior , paper presented at the WWW 2006, May 23�26, 2006, Edinburgh, Scotland

  3. Kalman, Y.M., Ravid G., Raban, D.R. & Rafaeli S. (2006). Speak *now* or forever hold your peace: power law chronemics of turn-taking and response in asynchronous CMC . Paper to be presented at the 2006 ICA Conference in Dresden, Germany

  4. Invited presentations, session and panel chair to Meital conferences: 2002, 2003, 2004.

  5. Rafaeli, S. Online Databases in Higher Education, paper presented at the IBM Academic Days Conference, Paris, France May 2004.
  1. Rafaeli, S. (2003) Ethics in the Computer Profession, Mishkenot Sha’ananim Series on ethics, September 2003. Video available online here: and slides available here:
  1. K. Barzilai-Nahon, Rafaeli, S. & N.Ahituv (2004) Measuring Gaps in Cyberspace: Constructing a comprehensive digital divide index. Paper presented to ASSIS&T: The European Chapter of the American Society for Information Science and Technology Annual Meeting (with AOIR), UK, Fall 2004.
  1. Invited Keynote talks and session chair in IL”A conferences 1999 – 2004
  1. Invited Keynote speaker, Israel Internet Association Annual Conferences, 1999- 2004
  1. Invited Departmental and Faculty colloquia and presentations at Tel Aviv University, Ben Gurion University of the Negev, Technion Institute of Technology, Cyprus Institute of International Management, Interdisciplinary CenterHerzelia.

  2. Ravid, G. and Rafaeli, S. (2004) Small World and Scale Free: An Investigation of Online A-Synchronous Groups , paper presented at the January 2004 annual Moach (Mind) Conference on Computers and Education
  1. Rafaeli, S. “Interactivity”, Keynote talk presented at the Euricom Research Conference, Neijmegen Netherlands, October 2002.
  1. Rafaeli, S. and Noy, A. Online Auctions and Social Facilitation, paper presented at the Association of Internet Researchers (AoIR 3) International Conference, Maastricht, Netherlands, October 2002.
  1. Ravid, G. and Rafaeli, S. Sharing Information in Virtual Teams: Messaging, Supply Chains and the Disintermediation Promise, paper presented at the Association of Internet Researchers (AoIR 3) International Conference, Maastricht, Netherlands, October 2002.
  1. Rafaeli, S. and Dan-Gur, Y. Enhancing User Control over Online Recommendation Processes: ‘Friends’ vs. “Neighbors” in the “QSIA” Recommender System, paper presented at the Association of Internet Researchers (AoIR 3) International Conference, Maastricht, Netherlands, October 2002.
  1. Raban, D. and Rafaeli, S. The Lemonade Stand: Experimental Investigation of the Subjective Value of Information, paper presented at the Association of Internet Researchers (AoIR 3) International Conference, Maastricht, Netherlands, October 2002.
  1. Jones, G. Ravid, G. & Rafaeli, S. (2001). Information Overload and Virtual Public Discourse Boundaries . Paper presented at the eighth IFIP conference on Human-Computer Interaction (INTERACT), Tokyo, Japan.
  1. Rafaeli, S. & Ravid, G. (2001). Research through online simulation of team coordination, communication, and information sharing . Paper presented at the INFORMS section on Group Decision and Negotiation and EuroGDSS Group Decision and Negotiation 2001, La Rochelle, France.
  1. Jones, G. Ravid, G. & Rafaeli, S. (2001). Empirical Evidence for Information Overload In Mass Interaction . Paper presented at the CHI2001, Seattle, WA USA.
  1. Ravid, G. &Rafaeli, S. (2000). Multi Player, Internet and Java Based Simulation Games: Learning and Research in Implementing a Computerized Version of the “Beer-Distribution Supply Chain Game” . Paper presented at the Web-based Modeling and Simulation WEBSIM 2000, San Diego, CL USA.

21. Rafaeli, S., “Interactivity and Ratings: Data from Field Logs Comptetitive paper, CSS ‘96, Minneapolis, MN 1996. Proceedings of Computer and the Social Sciences, 1996.

22. McLaughlin, M. and Rafaeli, S., Computer-Mediated Communication Scholarly Research Competitive paper, Proceedings of the Second Annual Global WWW (World Wide Web) Conference, 1994

23. Rafaeli, S. and F. Sudweeks ProjectH: Uses of the Internet Competitive panel (six papers), presented to ICA, (International Communication Association) Sydney, Australia, 1994

24. Rafaeli, S. and F. Sudweeks ProjectH: The Users of online networked groups Competitive panel (five papers), ICA, Sydney, Australia, 1994

25. Rafaeli, S. Toward a theory of group use of software Competitive paper, contributed to ICA, Miami FL, 1992

26. Rafaeli, S. and L. D. Ritchie On the Value of Information, Competitive paper, contributed to ICA, Chicago IL, 1991

27. Rafaeli, S. and R. LaRose Audience Activity and Participation in Electronic Bulletin Boards: A National Survey. Competitive paper, ICA, Chicago IL, 1991

28. Rafaeli, S. Semantics over Syntax: Construct validating Direct Manipulation, natural language and menu-driven interfaces Competitive paper, contributed to ICA, Dublin, Ireland, 1990

29. Rafaeli, S., “Who will pay for software”, Competitive paper, Presented at the Adams Conference, Tel-Aviv University, and Published in Machshevim 85:7-10, August 1988 (in Hebrew).

30. Rafaeli, S., Direct Manipulation and Computer Interfaces Competitive paper, contributed to ASIS, San Diego, CA, 1989

31. S. Chaffee, D. Lieberman, Rafaeli, S. Self-related and Content-related interactivity Competitive paper, contributed to ICA, Chicago IL 1986

32. Rafaeli, S. If the computer is the medium, what is the message? (I & II) Pair of competitive papers, contributed to ICA, Honolulu, Hawaii, 1985

33. L.B. Becker and Rafaeli, S. Winnowing by the press: longitudinal analysis of the 1976 and 1980 primaries. Competitive paper, ICA, Boston, MA 1982

34. L.B. Becker and Rafaeli, S. Interactive Cable Television: Lessons from Qube Competitive paper, contributed to AEJ, E. Lansing, MI, 1981

F. Software authored:

ZENO – (1986) A computerized (online) questionnaire generator, administration, scoring and analysis tool (with R. Zeimann).

HAKLED – (1987) A bilingual typing tutor.

PD – (1988) A business simulation game.

NANAS – (1990) – Direct manipulation, multilingual statistics package.

SKPD – (1991) – Sketchpad: A graphics editor for palmtop computers,

published by the Palmtop Paper, January 1991.

HULIA – (2000) An online computerized management simulation

(with G. Ravid)

QSIA – (2002) An online knowledge sharing and application database in e-learning. (with E. Toch, D. Shacham, and Y. Spektor)

K. Scientific Statement

Since the early 80’s I have been working on understanding computers as media.

I am fascinated by the social dynamics of online behavior. My work includes attempts to unpack, measure and manipulate the notions of interactivity, subjective value of information, recommendations and testimonials, network structure, hypertextuality, online silence, chronemics, and social facilitation online. These issues permeate my research as well as my public and popular writing in the popular press.

My approach includes theoretical analyses, field studies, experimental work, and simulation. In other words, I am focused on the phenomenon, not the methodology. The saga of computers as media is unfolding in a variety of fields, which I attempt to integrate into my work. Computers as media are a story of both profound theoretical import and very important applied, real-world implications. Computers serve as media for surveillance and control inside organizations, as tools for institutional as well as extra-curricular education, teaching and learning, and for entertainment and persuasion in the home and private lives. Levels of analysis and loci of interest of computers acting as media are therefore very rich: the tools and their users can be studied at a psychological, group, sociological and network levels. In my work I undertake the challenge to drill through all of these levels, seeking the constructs of lasting importance.

In my work in recent years I have tried to couple the empirical approach in which I have been trained, with new methods such as network analysis, system design and simulations. I derive much pride from my work on large scale surveys of content such as ProjectH and virtual archeology (with my student Gad Q. Jones), as well as large scale sampling and testing of structural models of online interaction (such as work with Heinzl, Schoberth and my students Ravid, Ariel, Noy, Soroka and Kalman).

The field studies were accompanied by laboratory and system development work on the value of information in trading and sharing (work with Raban, Barak, and Gordon in the US). I take special pride in the large number of graduate students I have advised, with whom I continue to work. I see my scientific output as centered on the process of training new researchers.

My academic impact involves contribution as a reviewer and member of editorial boards, I also attempt to impact the real world through my research. I cofounded and edited one of the first online refereed scientific journals. I also designed and implemented what is arguably the first online e-government web site in the world. I continue to maintain and develop it to be a leading quadrilingual service that harnesses the internet for the implementation of citizen rights. I am a member of both national and international task groups on public use of the internet and digital divide. My work on subjective value of information lead to several large scale, international internet-based higher education software innovations and systems. And I co-invented several online simulation programs used in teaching and research around the world.

My fascination continues with the potential of online tools, and some of the dangers involved as well. There is much more work to do on the constructs outlined above. I intend to continue and contribute personally as well as through directing the Center for the Study of the Information Society in work on these issues.

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