En colaboración con la organización Czulent de Polonia DiarioJudio.com les ofrece GRATIS el PDF de este nuevo alfabeto en Yiddish con transliteración polaca

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A book on Yiddish published by a Polish Jewish group has won first prize at  one of the world’s leading professional fairs for children’s literature.

The book, “Majn Alef Bejs,” was announced this month as the 2014 winner of  the first prize in the nonfiction category of the Bologna Children’s Book Fair,  which will open March 24 in the northern Italian city.

“A stunningly produced alphabet of Yiddish poems, this book instantly united  the Jury as the outright winner for the Non-Fiction category,” the jury wrote on  the website on the annual book fair.

The book combines approximately 30 Yiddish poems of Jehoszua Kaminski, who  was born in 1884, with illustrations by Urszula Palusinska, who was born a  century later. Each poem is used in the book to teach readers a single letter of  the Yiddish alphabet, which is identical to the Hebrew alphabet.

Each Yiddish poem contains a translation to Polish by translator Wojciech  Wilczyk.

The book was produced by the Krakow-based CZULENT Jewish association with  funding from three organizations and 50 private donors, according to CZULENT’s  Anna Makowka-Kwapisiewicz.

“Yiddish is the language of our grandparents,” she told JTA. “It is totally  forgotten in Poland. The book is a tribute to our heritage.”

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