“Menashe” – Yiddish on the Big Screen

- - Visto 631 veces

Tayere khaverim (Dear Friends),

The recently released and critically acclaimed Yiddish movie “Menashe” is coming to San Diego! Don’t worry (too much) – the movie has English subtitles. YAAANA is organizing a gathering (kum zits!) to watch “Menashe” on Saturday, August 19th, at 7.35 p.m.  After the screening, we will meet in one of the nearby cafes for a coffee klatch about the movie. Ticket prices are $11 for seniors and children and $14 for everybody else.

Information about the movie can be found at: https://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/Menashe_(film)

Address: Hillcrest Landmark Cinemas,3965 5th Ave, San Diego, CA 92103
Meeting time: 7.15 p.m.
Screening time: 7.35 – 9.30 p.m.
Discussion time: 9.45 – 11 p.m.

Please, RSVP to [email protected] or (619) 719-1776, and share the information about the event with your friends and family!

I am looking forward to meeting you in Hillcrest on Saturday,

Joanna (Jana) Mazurkiewicz

Doctoral Candidate
Department of Slavic Languages and Literatures
University of Michigan
3040 Modern Languages Building
812 E. Washington Street
Ann Arbor, MI 48109-1275


“Śmierć czy zmartwychwstanie? Współczesny teatr jidysz w Europie na tle historycznym”: http://janamazurk.wix.com/book

“Wooden Wars, or: Everybody Can Be Jewish These Days”: 

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