Today, your contribution is worth twice as much and costs you only half

- - Visto 254 veces

UPDATE: Fortuna Israel joins with $9,000 (500 times chai) our effort to create the largest musical library of judeo-espanyol records and books spearheaded by Adolfo Levy Saade.

Donate to the new djudeo-espanyol collection of sepharadic music and Adolfo Levy Saade and his associates will double your contribution.

Additionally, your contribution is tax deductible and will serve to rescue this 500 year old culture and language.

With your contribution we will not only develop a djudeo-espanyol collection inside but will also provide free promotions, free websites, and all kind of digital support to help and culture of the Jews from Spain.

As we grow you’ll be amazed at the incredible achievements of this group both in Jewish thought and world development.

So get to know this world and support this online music library.

Remember: Your contribution will be matched one to one, so your contribution is worth double and costs you half.

Your contribution is tax deductible.

Have records, tapes, books in Djudeo-espanyol? send them now to:
5436 Harvest Run Dr.
San Diego CA.
92130 USA
(they are also tax deductible).


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