Únete a la Havdala especial para toda la comunidad judia en memoria de Beny Zlochisty, a través de nuestro Facebook

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Únete a la Havdala especial para toda la comunidad judia en memoria de Beny Zlochisty, a través de nuestro Facebook, ZOOM o Tutorah.tv

The Shabbat Project México y Moetzet haTnuot te invitan a la Havdalá en honor de nuestro amigo.

Beny ZlochistyBurakoff Z”L

– Invitado especial desde Sudáfrica Rab. Warren Goldstein
– Homenaje por parte de las Tnuot
– Havdalá tipo Carlebaj
– Dedicatorias

Mensaje de Rab Warren Goldstein, Rabino de Sudáfrica

Dear Zlochisty Burakof family

Beny Zlochisty Burakoff zl, was a great man and a wonderful Jew who was a leader in his community. His passing is a loss for us all.

For you, as the family, it is deeply personal and I feel your pain, but I hope you take comfort in knowing that we all mourn with you – your entire community in Mexico and Jews throughout the world, because Beny was a person who lived for the community, who was dedicated to Shabbat and to Am Yisrael.

He did so much to promote Shabbat in Mexico, especially supporting The Shabbat Project, with his involvement in the Havdalah Concert and also reaching out to the youth movements and getting so many kids from the youth movements to keep Shabbat – hundreds and hundreds over the years. He was a person who was a great friend to all, he was an extraordinary person – happy and optimistic. He was a great Zionist, he walked in the path of Torah and mitzvot and he was a great mensch. He was such a wonderful human being and a great Jew who touched the lives of so many people. He was a true Jewish hero.

May Hashem bless you, his entire family, in his merit. For all that he did for Shabbat, and his mitzvot, and his Torah and his _menschlichkeit_. May Hashem bless all of us in Beny’s merit.

And we know that Beny is in a beautiful place in Gan Eden for all of his incredible mitzvot that he did in his lifetime. And we know that his mitzvot will be a merit for you and for all of us. G-d bless you.

Rabbi Warren Goldstein
Chief Rabbi of South Africa
Founder – The Shabbat Project

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