We require testimonials of survivors rescued by Gilberto Bosques

- - Visto 649 veces

The process for requesting the recognition of Gilberto Bosques as a “Righteous Among the Nations” honoree to Yad Vashem is laborious and stringent. One of the major hurdles to receiving this title is acquiring testimonials directly narrated by survivors. In this case it’s even more difficult as most of the survivors have since passed. Therefore we are also looking for testimonials from relatives and close friends of both the survivors and Gilberto Bosques to properly document his actions.

If you or anybody you know was saved by Gilberto Bosques’ actions, please contact us now and foward them this page so that they can provide us with the documentation we need to make sure he is given the recognition he deserves!

If you don’t want to share your testimony with other people, please indicate it in your correspondence.

Following, we describe Yad Vashem’s requirements:

Testimony Guide Sheet

Please type (or write clearly) your testimony in the form of a story, in accordance with the following guidelines.

A. Data on witness:

  1. Your full name, date of birth, present address, telephone no., email, occupation.
  2. Place of residence during the war.
  3. Family status during the war (single, married, children).

B. Data on Rescuer

  1. Full name, dates of birth (and death)/approximate age at the time, present address of relatives, tel, email, occupation.
  2. Family status during the war (single, married, children).
  3. Name and address of a living family relative.

C. Data on rescue story:

  1. Briefly – your life until start of rescue story.
  2. How and when you met your rescuer? Who initiated rescue?
  3. Dates and places of rescue.
  4. Describe the nature of aid given.
  5. If hiding place – describe conditions of hiding.
  6. Financial arrangements, if any.
  7. What, in your opinion, were the rescuer’s motivations?
  8. Cover story: how was your presence explained to others?
  9. Relations between you and rescuer at the time.
  10. Name and age others in rescuer’s household who helped you. Specify the aid given by each.
  11. How did you part from your rescuer?
  12. Indicate names and addresses of others helped by your rescuer.
  13. Describe particular incidents during your stay at rescuer’s home.
  14. The reason why you waited until now to write your testimony.

D. Please add any photos, documents, correspondence with the rescuers (after the war)

Important! Your signature must be notarized with proper seal appended thereon.

Please send your testimony to ForoJudio.com to:


1829 Corte Galeana,
San Diego, CA. 92914

In Mexico:

Petén 91-2
Col. Narvarte
Mexico D.F., 03020

If you don’t want to share your testimony with other people, please indicate it in your correspondence.

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2 comentarios en «We require testimonials of survivors rescued by Gilberto Bosques»
  1. Hola, me gustaria conocer testimonios de la gente que fue salvada por Gilberto Bosques. ¿donde puedo encontrar lo que han recopilado?


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