Mis clases de yiddish de verano en privado y a través de Workers Circle en Nueva York

2 Advanced; 1 Intermediate

Privately organized mini-course on Zoom

Advanced Yiddish 

Mondays 1:30 — 3:00 PM EST.

We will be reading selections from Meylekh Ravitsh’s Dos Mayse-bukh fun mayn lebn, reviewing grammar and learning new grammar.

Dates:  Monday, May 20, June 3, 10.

Cost: $105. Please contact me for registration and payment information.




Mondays 1:30 — 3:00 PM EST ON ZOOM.

Course Goals: Comprehension, reading, writing, speaking, and grammar review. This course will aim to solidify grammar studied (or missed) in Volume II of Yiddish: An Introduction to the Language, Literature & Culture by Sheva Zucker or the equivalent. We will also continue with new grammar.


Course Tools: Delightful vignettes of Jerusalem, Australia and Poland from Yosl Birshteyn’s Dayne geslekh — Yerusholaim.

Additional Information: This course will be taught entirely in Yiddish and is designed for those with approximately three-four years of Yiddish language study or who have  completed  Yiddish: An Introduction to the Language, Literature & Culture, Vol. II or the equivalent. We will concentrate on reviewing grammar, based on students’ requests and needs and new grammar that arises from the texts. You need not have taken the spring course to join this class.


WHEN: Monday 1:30-3:00. July 15, 22, 29; August 5, 12.

Registration information will soon be posted on the Workers Circle website.




Just like in the good old days!


Wednesdays: 1:00 pm – 2:30 pm.

Course Goals: To continue the study of the fundamentals of Yiddish: vocabulary, reading, writing, speaking and particularly grammar. We will begin with a review of elementary grammar, as needed/requested.


Course Tools: Yiddish: An Introduction to the Language, Literature & Culture, Vol. II by Sheva Zucker (starting with Unit 12). Students must also purchase the Answer Key to Vol. II. The recordings are recommended but optional.

Additional Info: This course will be taught almost entirely in Yiddish and is designed for those with approximately 1.5-2  years of Yiddish language study, and who have completed Yiddish: An Introduction to the Language, Literature & Culture, Vol. I by Sheva Zucker, or the equivalent.

When: Wednesday: 1:00 am – 2:30 pm. July 17, 24, 31, August 7, 14

Where: WC, 247 West 37th St. NYC

Registration information will soon be posted on the Workers Circle website.


is the author of the textbooks Yiddish: An Introduction to the Language, Literature & Culture, Vols. I & II and the editor and producer of the CD The Golden Peacock: Voice of the Yiddish Writer. She has taught and lectured on Yiddish language, literature and culture on five continents and has taught Yiddish for over two decades in the Uriel Weinreich Program in Yiddish Language, Literature and Culture, currently under the auspices of Bard College and the YIVO Institute for Jewish Research in New York City. From 2005 to 2020 she served as the director of the League for Yiddish and the editor of its all-Yiddish magazine Afn Shvel.


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