YIVO Yiddish Club: Yiddish humor today with yidlife crisis

Nu, vilst redn a bisele yidish? An event for Yiddish enthusiasts the world over, the YIVO Yiddish club is an informal monthly gathering to celebrate mame-loshn. Hosted by Shane Baker, sessions take place in English, and are liberally peppered with Yiddish. Each month Baker is joined by a different guest who discusses their work and a related Yiddish cultural theme. In the spirit of a club, sessions are held as interactive zoom meetings in which participants can see and hear one another. Each session includes ample time for audience questions, group discussion, and, time permitting, knock-down, drag-out arguments. Attendees need not know any Yiddish to attend, though some familiarity with the language is highly recommended.

This session features co-stars of the Yiddish-language comedy web series YidLife CrisisEli Batalion and Jamie Elman. Paying homage to the yiddishkayt of their upbringing, YidLife Crisis is a love letter about modern Jewish identity and has been viewed almost 4 million times.

El evento está terminado.

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