After feasting the eyes on the beautiful Mikvah and the homey ‘’Ladies Preparation Room’’ you went up the steps to the Social Hall, where again we find elegance: the decorated tables with flashes in blue and white.
Already served on the table a tasty Humus with pita, cignes (a Russian dish made primarily of eggplant, bell pepper, garlic and onion to which olive oil and salt is added) and the succulent salad ´´Fruitty Nutty Kale´´,our house specialty which cannot be found in any other restaurant since one of the ladies of the Centro Social Israelita created it and everybody finds it delicious and refreshing. (This salad includes shredded kale, an extremely healthy vegetable, to which fruit and nuts are added, the dressing is made basically of honey and lime juice).
After having watched an interesting and varied program, the meal begins to be served.
To start a palm salad, followed by a cream of corn soup, bread (made in house) with margarine, and the main dish consisting of either Salmon Teriyaki, Chicken Cacciatori, Brisket Beef or Vegetarian, all served with steamed vegetables and a baked potato filled with mashed potatoes to which fried onions, oil and paprika had been added.
And for desert apple strudel filled with apples and strawberry preserves served with either a fruit icee or lemon icee.
For drinks there was availability of wáter, sodas, coffee or tea. The Kosher wine Moscato Bartenura formed part of the meal.
At the end of the evening, as a pleasant surprise, chicken tamales were served
A worthy feast, appropriate as a framework of elegance for the Inauguration of the Mikvah.
(will continue)
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