WikiLeaks: Gaddafi’s nephew – Private Secretary to the President of Nicaragua

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The publication is published four reports of secret former U.S. Ambassador to Nicaragua Paul Trayvelli (Paul Trivelli), dated 2007, which alleged that Mohamed Lashtar cooperates with the Libyan secret services. “Mohamed Lashtar is a key figure of Daniel Ortega and the environment associated with the intelligence service Gaddafi. Through it carried secret funding Nicaraguan President “- said in a secret report dated January 23, 2007. In the secret dispatches the U.S. Embassy in Nicaragua also reported that Mohamed Lashtar has the rank of Ambassador, and he has a personal office in the Ministry of Foreign Affairs of Nicaragua.

The publication claims that 51-year-old Libyan has arrived in Nicaragua just after the victory of the Sandinista Revolution in 1979, came to power, Daniel Ortega. Mohamed has Lashtar Nicaraguan nationality and is also known as a businessman. In particular, it belongs to the largest agricultural company Anilib. In late March, the Government of Nicaragua had appointed adviser to Nicaraguan President on Foreign Affairs Miguel d’Escoto representing the interests of Libya to the UN. This decision was taken at the official request of the Minister of Foreign Affairs of Libya. The Sandinistas returned to power in Nicaragua in 2006, when the presidential election won leading Sandinista National Liberation Front, Daniel Ortega, who led Nicaragua in 1985-1990. The leader of Nicaragua in 2009 was awarded the International Prize for Human Rights named Muammar Gaddafi. In mid-February in Libya began mass demonstrations calling for the withdrawal of the ruling the country for more than 40 years, Muammar Gaddafi, who later turned into an armed confrontation between government forces and rebels. UN Security Council March 17 adopted a resolution calling for the introduction of no-fly zone over Libya and opens the possibility of foreign military intervention in the situation in this North African country. Start March 19 operation by coalition forces involved, in particular, Britain, France, USA, Canada, Belgium, Italy, Spain, Denmark, Norway. Leadership campaign in Libya on March 31 completely shifted to the representatives of NATO command. The operation of the North Atlantic Alliance, which received the code name “United defender is, as claimed in NATO, ensuring the arms embargo, the no-fly zones and measures to protect the civilian population.


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