Happy new year 2023

- - Visto 239 veces

Marisol Chevez Hidalgo

Master in Ethics and Democracy

Universitat of Valencia, Spain.


This old night, in the warmth of the temple of your senses where your own home lies, be thankful that you are alive plus the cumulus of experiences that this year have acquired.

Because no matter who you are with, whether you are alone or in the company of your loved ones, remember that you are the beginning and the end of all lived. And that you are not under rules that mark a definite space and less the time, when traveling a path that takes you along all roads. Being the past, present and future as the owner of your free will.

So do not forget that you are the maker of your authentic Cosmos, the sun, the moon and the stars. The earth, the wind and the sea, sum of all of them, the fire where you will burn. The Word that has become flesh, the skies, the rain and the storm. The voice that inhabits your soul, the Galaxies and the planets. Creator of the infinite night, mantle that covers the Universe, Breath of the Ruaj Elohim in the midst of darkness.

Recognize your self in every space and corner of your own Being, accompanied by eternal dawns that are the nights of yesterday. Amazed by dark clouds, devoid of brightness and light, mountains climber and dreams where the future write you. Survivor to the sad deserts, to the glaciers of loneliness. Pilgrim of Everything and Nothing, assume it as a true.

In consequense, embrace the new year beyond reason, carrying deep in your heart those who left from here. Being absolute love the force that has forgiveness, the transmigration of your soul, the transforming power. Because you must break the chains that bind you to the fear of becoming what you are, the alive image of Di-s…

Dedicated to Lele, Yun, Neil and Bram. Who filled a corner of my Universe with happiness…

A big hug the size of the sea. 


(Special for the Diario Judío.com of México). 12/31/2022.


Acerca de Marisol Chevez Hidalgo

Licenciada en Filosofía de la Universidad de Costa Rica, UCR, especializada en identidad nacional costarricense; ética; y comunicación social, Máster en ética y democracia por la Universidad de Valencia. En la actualidad investiga sobre los judíos sefardíes en Costa RIca. Además tiene estudios en la Facultad de Derecho de la Universidad de Costa Rica y trabaja como consejera en razonamiento jurídico en una firma de abogados. Publica artículos en El Semanario Universidad, de la Universidad de Costa RIca, en esefarad.com, revista argentina en internet sobre cultura sefardita y ha publicado en el diario La Nación de Costa RIca. Es Poeta. Publicó poemas en la Revista Tópicos del Humanismo de la Universidad Nacional, UNA, en el Semanario Universidad de la UCR y en el diario La Nación. Forma parte de la Junta Directiva de la Ong Instituto para el Desarrollo, la Democracia y la Ética, IDDE.

2 comentarios en «Happy new year 2023»
  1. Beautifully crafted writing and a worthy message to take into the New Year, like a signpost guiding one how to start afresh with new eyes and a new realization of the wonder of the Life and Love all around us, protecting us like the guardian angel and the Divinity that dwells inside each one of us.


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