Felt Banner for Khanuke

- - Visto 679 veces


  • Felt cloth
  • Felt or fabric pieces in assorted colors
  • Scissors
  • Chenille stems 1″ long
  • Pom-poms
  • Craft glue
  • Wooden dowel
  • Decorative cord or ribbon


  • Stapler
  • Sequins
  • Glitter or glitter glue
  • 2 dowel caps, knobs, or doll heads, 1″ wide


  1. Trace and cut out pieces from the patterns on pages 277 and 287.
  2. Use the chenille stems to make the candles, and pom-poms or glitter or gold chenille stems to make the flames.
  3. Glue the parts to form the design, and let dry.
  4. Lay out the banner face-down and place the dowel about lte” from the upper edge. Fbld the felt over the dowel and either glue or staple it in place. If using glue, let it dry befoie continuing.
  5. You may cap the ends of both dowels.
  6. Tie the coid to the ends of the dowel and banner, hang the banner.

From the book:

Celebrating with Jewish Crafts
Rebeca Edid Ruzansky

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