5 y 6 de marzo habrá un curso sobre la Comunidad Judía de Polonia en la Universidad de Rutgers

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“Centering the Periphery: Polish Jewish Cultural Production Beyond the Capital,” the 5th Annual Polish Jewish Studies Workshop, will be held March 5-6, 2018 at Rutgers University—the State University of New Jersey, New Brunswick. It will focus on Jewish cultural production, but also on cultural collaborations and tensions between Christians and Jews in the years of Poland’s partitions and independence (1772-1939) in urban centers other than Warsaw—especially Wilno, Lwów, Kraków, and Łódź. We will explore these topics through fresh approaches and methodologies.

The format of the 2018 PJSW is designed to maximize scholarly exchange. We are convening roundtable discussions engaging with six distinct thematic constellations:

High and Low Cultures
Embodiments and Spaces

A concert, “Soundscapes of Modernity: Jews and Music in Polish Cities,” featuring an important, but little-known repertoire of choral pieces from “Progressive” synagogues, compositions associated with Jewish music societies, and avant-garde works by Jewish composers, will be held on Monday, March 5, at 7:30 p.m. at the Kirkpatrick Chapel in New Brunswick.

All events are free and open to the public. For more information, and a
full list of participants, please see:

Fifth Annual Polish Jewish Studies Workshop


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