Alin Levy, judía Ucraniana cuestiona y combate la burocracia religiosa de Israel y sus ridículas reglas

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The struggle against the ultra-Orthodox grip on Israel’s Chief Rabbinate in  issues of personal status in Israel has a new, and very attractive, poster girl.  Alin Levy, an Israeli reality TV star, says she has been told she cannot  complete the process of converting to Judaism because she is an actress.

Levy blasted into the national consciousness four years ago when she was one  of the most popular contestants in the Israeli version of the highly rated  reality show sensation “Big Brother.” One of the youngest ever to participate in  the show, at age 18, Levy was an audience favorite with her cheerful and ditzy  ‘girl-next-door’ persona. Her blonde good looks, of course, didn’t hurt.

After reaching the finals of the show – but not winning – she completed her  service in the Israel Defense Forces and kept a high profile – parlaying her  celebrity into stints as a television gossip reporter and performer on panel  shows. Constantly tracked by paparazzi, she had a high profile in the Tel Aviv  social scene, complete with a Kardashian-esque sports star boyfriend.

But a few years ago, she took a deliberate step out of the spotlight. A  profile of Levy published in Yedioth Ahronoth newspaper on Friday explained  that, at the ripe old age of 23, she decided to change her life and take a more  serious direction – to leave her pop culture gigs and immerse herself in Chekhov  and Shakespeare at a prestigious acting school. The spread on Levy’s ‘new life’  was illustrated with an artistic photo of Levy lighting Sabbath candles and was  headlined with the revelation that she was converting to Judaism.

Levy immigrated to Israel from Ukraine when she was four years old. Her  father was Jewish, and though her mother met the legal requirements for  immigration to Israel thanks to her Jewish grandfather, she was not considered  Jewish according to religious law (halakha), and so neither was Alin. Alin said  she had felt Jewish all her life in Israel. It was during her military service  that she began to be troubled by that fact that as far as the Chief Rabbinate  was concerned, she was not Jewish.

It upset her that she wasn’t ‘officially’ considered a member of the  religion, and, according to the interview, she determined to become a  full-fledged kosher Jew, she began the procedure for Orthodox conversion,  studying Torah three hours each week, dressing modestly, making blessings over  her food and began to observe Shabbat. Asked if she might become fully Orthodox  in the end, she responded “I can’t rule it out.”

The process is standard operating procedure for secular Israelis who want to  complete conversion. In order to do so, they are required to adopt a lifestyle  that is far more observant to become Jewish in the eyes of the stringent  conversion court.

But for the court supervising Levy’s conversion – it wasn’t enough.

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