Como sobrevivirán los 5000 judíos de Grecia a la crisis

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For 55 needy Jewish families, a cash welfare payment is the only thing that gets them through the month. But when they came to the Athens Jewish Community last week for their July assistance, they were given only a portion of the payment in cash — the rest was in supermarket food coupons.

“We just don’t have cash and we can’t get anymore, the banks are closed,” said Taly Mair, the community director who oversees the welfare program. “We hope to make the rest up to them later.”

Scenes of turmoil and uncertainty have played out across Greece over the past week with the country on the verge of bankruptcy after failing to make a payment to the International Monetary Fund. Banks have been shut, ATM withdrawals are limited to 60 euros (about $66) a day, and panicked citizens are stocking up on staples such as bottled water, pasta, lentils and baby formula.

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1 comentario en «Como sobrevivirán los 5000 judíos de Grecia a la crisis»
  1. Pues como que cómo? Qué responda Tsipras , ya fueron muy claros con él , o reduce su enorme aparato estatal y los beneficios a la clase política y a los sectores clientelares que votaron por él o que mejor se vaya y le deje a alguien más esa tarea …..


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