Curso en Nueva York

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YIVO iz zeyer tzushteik az mir zoln ayj lozn visn… I YIVO esta muy insistente en que les avisemos….

YIVO iz zeyer tzushteik az mir zoln ayj lozn visn vegn zeyer zumer program…
Instituto para la Investigación Judía YIVO ha estado muy insistente en que les avisemos de su programa para el verano….

                          YIVO Institute for Jewish Research/Bard College


לערנט זיך ייִדיש אין ניו־יאָרק דעם זומער !

Application for the 49th Uriel Weinreich Program in Yiddish Language, Literature, and Culture willopen January 6, 2017.


For international and financial aid applicants,

                                      Deadlins: February 24.

 General applicants,
Deadline: April 3.

Students of all ages and nationalities are encouraged to apply.
Find out more about the program and connect to the online application form

at our new online home:

Please direct questions to Ben Kaplan<[email protected]>;   Education Administrator

The Weinreich program, sponsored by the YIVO Institute for Jewish Research and Bard College,is the oldest, longest and most intensive of the  Yiddish summer programs. The members of our experienced and dedicated faculty care deeply ABOUT TEACHING. The program offers classes at the beginner, intermediate I and II and advanced levels. Morning classes are supplemented by a rich academic and cultural program of lectures, conversation classes, music and theater workshops, tours, concerts and social events.

Housing will be available to students.

Generous need-based full and partial tuition waivers are available to deserving students.

Studying Yiddish in our quarters at the YIVO/Center for Jewish History in New York City, a dynamic center of Yiddish culture to this very day, is an unforgettable and often definitive personal and professional experience in a student’s life.

Weinreich Summer Program| YIVO/Bard College
Contact: Ben Kaplan<[email protected]>;  for any questions

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