En Holanda, Miembro del Parlamento se niega a dar la mano a Netanyahu (en inglés)

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Tunahan Kuzu, of Turkish origin, was wearing a pro-Palestinian button as he stood in the receiving line of Dutch parliament members waiting to be introduced to Netanyahu.

When Netanyahu came to Kuzu, he extended his hand, but Kuzu smiled and did not return the gesture.

Kuzu wrote on his Facebook page about the incident, “While the streets of Gaza were reddened by blood that splashed out of the veins of children in the summer of 2014, the red carpet is rolled out here. That deserves no handshake, but a reference to #FreePalestine.”

Netanyahu responded to the incident on a Youtube video posted on his Facebook page. “We saw today who wants peace and who doesn’t,” he said, vowing to continue presenting Israel’s position with pride.

12 comentarios en «En Holanda, Miembro del Parlamento se niega a dar la mano a Netanyahu (en inglés)»
  1. Kuzu Is an ignorant human being who does not see or hear the real truth , it sadden’s my heart to see and hear of these ignorant people !!! G-D help them open there eyes and heart to see the real truth and do something about it !!! GOD HELP THE WORLD FOR AT THIS MOMENT IN TIME IS WHEN UR PEOPLE NEED U, FOR EVERYONE TO BE ABLE TO FORM A 1 (ONE) and LOVE ONE ANOTHER AND ERASE ALL HATE AND EVIL FROM THIS PLANET EARTH !!! GOD BLESS AND LOVE U ALL ???


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