Hace 86 años, prohíben el Yiddish en la Universidad de Jerusalem

- - Visto 437 veces

Institute of Jewish Studies Said Not to Have Given Consent (Jewish Telegraphic Agency)

Opposition to the establishment of a chair for the Yiddish language and literature at the Hebrew University, accepted on behalf of the University by Dr. Judah L. Magnes, Chancellor, has developed here.

It was learned that at a meeting of the committee of the Institute of Jewish Studies the acceptance of the chair from David Shapiro, publisher of the New York “Day,” who announced he would raise the amount of $100,000 for its maintenance, was disputed and the statement was made that the faculty of the Institute of Jewish Studies has not expressed its consent. Norman Bentwich, M. M. Ussishkin. Dr. David Yellin and Professors Klausner and Epstein have taken a stand against the acceptance of the chair.

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