30 unknown Iranian presidential guards detected in Nicaragua

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The alleged presence of Iranian Revolutionary Guards in Nicaragua without “justification” has caused tensions within the Israeli community in the country.

According to a report by the Jewish News Agency (JNA), the arrival of 30 Iranian Revolutionary Guards has be confirmed.

Gerald Smith, the president of the Israeli Congregation of Nicaragua, disclosed the revolutionay guards’ arrival in nicaragua and their failure to register with the immigration authorities to the JNA.

“This relates to the 30 Iranians, who are revolutionary guards, and who entered Nicaragua without cause and I do not know where they are nor what has become of them,” Smith asserted.

The Israeli press has reported that Latin American Jewish communities are concerned about and wary of possible Iranian presence in various Latin American countries

Israel’s Prime Minister, Tzipi Livni, has warned in recent days of Iranian intentions to introduce terrorists throughout the region with the intention of furthering its ideological, political and economic aims.

LA PRENSA contacted the Nicaraguan Press Office of the Prime Minister, which denied having any information on the subject.

Similarly, the head of Public Relations for the Army, Brigadier General Adolfo Zepeda, said he had no information on the subject.

Furthermore, he asserted that the Army does not collaborate in any way with its Iranian counterparts.

Original source (in Spanish): http://www.laprensa.com.ni/archivo/2008/noviembre/27/noticias/politica/297206.shtml

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