About 82 percent of Venezuelans reject the closure of RCTV

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Three years after the first shutdown of private TV station Radio Caracas Televisión (RCTV), non-governmental organization Un Mundo Sin Mordaza (A World without censorship) conducted a national survey in major Venezuelan cities as part of an initiative called “Having an opinion is not a crime.”

At that time, the government refused to renew a broadcast concession of private TV channel Radio Caracas Televisión.

The poll probed into people’s view of the Venezuelan television in the absence of the TV channel.

Asked about the end of the free signal broadcasting of TV channel RCTV, 82 percent of respondents disagree with the measure.

Rodrigo Diamanti, a spokesman for the NGO, said that almost 90 percent of interviewees agree with the reestablishment of the free signal of the channel, even in pro-government states such as Vargas, Barinas and Aragua.

Source: ElUniversal.com

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