AJN This Afternoon: BBI Condemns Profanation Of Synagogue In Venezuela

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Are we in the brink of a new era where Iran is at the root of all these acts?

Alberto Jabiles,Venezuela’s Bnai Brith President, asked today when talking about the attack to

Tiferet Israel and the demonstration against this attack adding they where all angry and anguished by this event.

On the other hand, he added, we’ve never seen so many non-governmental organizations showing their support as they did today including among the demonstrators the Simon Bolivar University, Monteavila University, the Episcopal Conference, and many others.

“We are witnessing, he added, the results of the antisemitic campaign which proceeded these acts, and which started before the Gaza War”.

When asked about the antisemitic acts in Argentina he added:

“I just want to warned everybody we might be witnessing a domino effect started and orchestrated by Iran in Latin America”.

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