Basque deputy asks Venezuela to avoid confrontation with Spain over ETA suspect

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Iñaki Anasagasti, a Basque deputy for the parliamentary group of the Basque Nationalist Party (PNV), recalled that Basque separatist group ETA is a very sensitive issue in Spain. Therefore, if the Venezuelan government makes the mistake of preventing the extradition of Arturo Cubillas for prosecution in Spain, “this will become a major reason for confrontation.” Cubillas holds a government job in Venezuela.

Anasagasti urged new Spanish Foreign Minister Trinidad Jiménez to be aware of what is really happening with ETA members in other countries.

“Trinidad Jiménez has to wear glasses to read well the reports issued by the United Nations and others. She has to know something because she is not only the foreign minister but also a senior official of the (ruling) Spanish Socialist Party,” Anasagasti said in an interview with Venezuelan private radio network Unión Radio.


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