Chavez fights “media terrorism” by launching his own newspaper

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Hugo Chavez launched a newspaper to fight against “media terrorism” that attacks his government. It’s “El Correo del Orinoco,” a reissue of the historic newspaper created in 1818 by Simon Bolivar to defend the struggle for independence.

“We must be guided by the principles Bolivar expressed in the first edition of Correo del Orinoco: we are free, we write in a free country and we do not intend to deceive the public,” said the Venezuelan President.

Chavez recalled that the launching of Bolivar’s journal, almost 200 years ago, was to combat “the treacherous and infamous Gazeta de Caracas,” a paper that was loyal to the Spanish cause, something that according to him, continues to happen today, and accused private media of being in favor of opposition parties and seeking to overthrow him, prompting 32 radio stations to lose their licenses and others are about to have the same fate.

At the same time, the media network Globovision — very critical of the government — is the subject of several administrative processes that could lead to ti losing the broadcasting license.

Source: Momento24

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