Clinton: US will act if Venezuela violates sanctions against Iran

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The US government will take action if Venezuela violates international sanctions meted out to Iran, US Secretary of State Hillary Clinton cautioned on Tuesday.

“If there is any evidence that they have violated the sanctions, we will act against them,” Clinton said during the parliamentary questioning.

In any event, the US Secretary of State said that so far there is no evidence that the government of Venezuelan President Hugo Chávez has been in breach of the sanctions against Iran due to its nuclear program. According to western superpowers, the aim is an atomic bomb.

Washington has voiced concern since last October, when President Chávez met with his Iranian counterpart Mahmud Ahmadinejad. They have entered into multiple memoranda of agreement for bilateral cooperation in the energy field.

“Presently our information is that their relation is mainly diplomatic and commercial and has not moved in the direction pointed out by them,” Clinton said.


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