Costa Rica bolsters defense in border dispute with Nicaragua

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San José– The country is bolstering defenses close to its border, where it’s locked in a dispute with neighboring Nicaragua, Costa Rican Security Minister José María Tijerino said.

Tijerino said security forces have established several landing areas for helicopters close to Calero Island in the delta of the San Juan River, which is at the heart of the dispute.

Costa Rica does not have military.

Nicaraguan military personnel were deployed to the island last year, sparking the dispute.

Tijerino said the increased presence of security personnel could prevent Nicaragua from further intrusions. He also said the country has improved the surrounding roads so security personnel could patrol the area more easily.

Tijerino said barriers have been placed in the Colorado, Sarapiquí and San Carlos rivers, which are tributaries of the San Juan River, to prevent Nicaraguan vessels from entering Costa Rican territory.

The International Court of Justice (ICJ) in The Hague is expected to begin hearings regarding the dispute over Calero Island on Jan. 11. The ICJ ruled last year the San Juan River is in Nicaraguan territory, but added Costa Rica’s shipping industry is permitted to use the waterway.

The countries acknowledged the ruling but differ on the ownership of Calero Island.


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