El nuevo símbolo de la memoria judía (en Inglés)

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On April 19th Warsaw, Poland and the world will be commemorating the 70th anniversary of the Warsaw Ghetto Uprising. Hundreds of Varsovians will receive one of these paper daffodils, designed by Polish Jewish artist Helena Czernek. What daffodils have to do with the Warsaw Ghetto Uprising? Daffodils bloom this time of the year and Marek Edelman, one of the Uprising’s leaders, on this day would bring a bouquet of daffodils to the Monument to the Ghetto Heroes in Warsaw in order to honour his fallen friends and soldiers. On April 19th, wherever you are, please wear a daffodil, a symbol of memory, respect and hope. Please remember and share the story about the tragic fate of those who fought in the Warsaw Ghetto. NEVER AGAIN!

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