Ex UN ambassador: “We will do all we can to take Chávez to The Hague”

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Diego Arria, the former Venezuelan ambassador to the United Nations, regretted that some opposition leaders consider that it is impossible that President Chávez can be tried in a court. “It is incredible that the people who have mostly undermined the arguments against the (Venezuelan) regime come from the opposition. They prefer to attack opposition leaders rather than recognizing them”

Former UN ambassador Diego Arria reported that there is an organized process to take President Hugo Chávez to the International Court of Justice at The Hague for human rights violations.

“Definitely, it is possible to try him, and we will make it real. We are getting ready to take Mr. Hugo Chávez to The Hague. No doubt about it,” Arria said in an interview with the Venezuelan radio station Unión Radio.

“When a regime such as Venezuela’s carries out a state policy based on plundering, looting, it is a very serious crime against humanity,” Arria said, and clarified, “I am not saying this. This is what lawyers of the international court have said.”

He regretted that some opposition leaders consider that it is impossible that President Chávez can be tried in a court. “It is incredible that the people who have mostly undermined the arguments against the (Venezuelan) regime come from the opposition. They prefer to attack opposition leaders rather than recognize them.”

Diego Arria published a public letter last Saturday entitled “Chávez, see you in The Hague.”

Source: ElUniversal.com

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