FARS On Ahmadinejad’s Attendance At Celebrations For Palestinian Victory Over Zionist Army, Bolivian President Juan Evo Morales and Venezuelan President Hugo Chavez have also been invited

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Yesterday, the Iranian news agency FARS reported that Iranian President Mahmoud Ahmadinejad would be attending celebrations at Tehran University to celebrate the end of the Gaza war and the victory of the Palestinians over the Zionist army.

According to the report, Bolivian President Juan Evo Morales and Venezuelan President Hugo Chavez have also been invited to the ceremony, to be held yesterday by Iran’s Islamic Students Society.

FARS cited Esmail Ahmadi, public relations director for the Student Basij organization, as saying January 19 that university students in Iran would hold a special celebration at Tehran University yesterday to commemorate the Palestinian resistance and to discuss the consequences of the bitter Zionist defeat.

Also, in a January 19 telephone conversation, Ahmadinejad congratulated Hamas political bureau chief Khaled Mash’al on the victory of Palestinian resistance, saying “Today is the beginning of victory and it completes the chain of the (Palestinian) resistance victory.” Mash’al, for his part, stressed that Israel had accomplished none of its goals.


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