Federal agents attacked while guarding El Siglo de Torreón newspaper

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Federal agents guarding the premises of the newspaper El Siglo de Torreón (Torreón Century), in the northern Mexican city of Torreón, Coahuila, came under attack on the afternoon of Monday, February 25, by a group of armed men.

The uniformed agents were on patrol at the back of the newspaper’s offices when the attackers, who were in a passing vehicle, opened fire with AK-47s. Soon after the attack reinforcements arrived and a perimeter was set up.

Several bullets hit nearby buildings, but the newspaper’s facilities were not affected. As well, an official with the newspaper said that he did not believe the newspaper itself was the target, despite the fact that on February 8 five of its non-editorial employees were kidnapped, only to be released a few hours later.

During the February 8 kidnapping two employees from online services, two from advertising, and one from administration were taken from the premises. The event is shrouded in mystery, as the newspaper refuses to give any details on the incident, citing security reasons, other than to say that the kidnapping of non-editorial staff was a “worrisome trend”.

It is an irony of modern Mexico that information outlets are unable to disseminate information, and that the police who are charged with their protection often run for cover.

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