Five ‘Zetas’ arrested for deadly Monterrey casino attack

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From left to right: Carlos Carrazco Espinoza y Javier Alonso Martínez.
Jonathan Jahir Reyna, Juan Ángel Leal, Julio Tadeo Berrones.

Mexican authorities have arrested five alleged members of the Zetas drug cartel for their role in a deadly attack on a Monterrey casino.

Some 52 patrons of the Casino Royale were killed when gunmen stormed the building and used gasoline to light on fire on Thursday.

Nuevo Leon Governor Rodrigo Medina held a press conference early Monday morning to say five men have been arrested.

The El Universal newspaper reported the men were identified as:

• Luis Carlos Carrasco Espinosa, El Chihua, 25 years old, Chihuahua
• Javier Alonso Martínez Morales, El Javo, 37 years old, Monterrey
• Jonathan Jair Reina Gutiérrez, 18 years old, Monterrey
• Juan Ángel Leal Flores, 20 years old, Monterrey,
• Julio Tadeo Barrones Ramírez, El Julio Rayas, 28 years old, Monterrey

Gov. Medina told reporters that the men had lengthy criminal histories and are members of the Zetas drug cartel.

El Universal reported that one of the men was identified through fingerprints from a vehicle seized at the crime scene.

That man’s arrest led to the arrest of the other four.

Gov. Medina told reporters that the Zetas had been extorting money from the owners of the casino.

Medina said owners are out of the country but would also be questioned about possible negligence due to lack of emergency exits.

Mexico’s President Felipe Calderon has pledged full support for Gov. Medina and the City of Monterrey.

Some 1,500 soldiers from the Mexican Army and 1,500 federal police are being deployed to the city.

The Mexican Navy reported on Monday morning that it is also sending more of its marines to Monterrey.


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