Former neo-Nazi leader back in U.S. after capture

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William A. White, a former neo-Nazi leader and more recently a fugitive from the law, is back in the United States.

White is being held in a federal detention facility in Miami, according to the U.S. Bureau of Prisons.

Authorities flew White to Miami from Mexico, where he was arrested Friday on charges of violating his probation.

White was quickly deported from Mexico, apparently because he entered the country illegally, said Chief Deputy Brad Sellers of the U.S. Marshals Service.

Authorities say White, who was on supervised release after serving prison time for making racially charged threats, left his home in Lexington last month without informing his probation officer – a violation of his probation.

From there, White made his way to Playa del Carmen, a resort town near Cancun, where he was arrested Friday afternoon.

White now faces a hearing in federal court in Miami before his transfer back to Roanoke. At that point, he could face additional time for violating his probation.

In December 2009, a federal jury in Roanoke convicted White for intimidating a group of apartment-complex residents in Virginia Beach, and threatening a university administrator in Delaware and a bank employee in Missouri. The federal judge in the case later dismissed the jury’s determination that the white supremacist had threatened Canadian human-rights lawyer Richard Warman.

After his release from prison in April 2011, White lived with his parents in Maryland before moving to Rockbridge County.

He had been scheduled to appear in U.S. District Court in Roanoke on May 14 for resentencing after the 4th U.S. Circuit Court of Appeals in Richmond ruled that the judge in his case did not properly follow sentencing guidelines. That hearing was canceled, and later that week a probation officer stopped by White’s home and found that he had left.

The Associated Press contributed to this story.

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