Hezbollah Is Training Terrorists at Nicaragua Base

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Former Bolivian Congressman Jose Brechner sent the photos from a South American Hezbollah website in 2007.

Hezbollah is reportedly training terrorists at a base in northern Nicaragua.
The Lebanese website Naharnet reported, via ROP:

Hizbullah is using a training base established by Iran in northern Nicaragua near the border with Honduras, the Israeli radio reported on Thursday.

“The area is cordoned off and there are around 30 members of Hizbullah being trained in the camp,” the radio quoted intelligence sources as saying.

According to the report, Tehran is funding and supplying the training base with the necessary requirements.

The sources pointed out that the base also serves as a meeting point with organized crime and drug cartels for money laundering and weapons smuggling.

On Wednesday, Israeli Prime Minister Benjamin Netanyahu urged the European Union to place Hizbullah on its list of “terrorist” organizations.

In July, the European Union turned down a request by Israeli Foreign Minister Avigdor Lieberman to blacklist Hizbullah as a terror group after a deadly bombing in Bulgaria.

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