Honduras: Investigate Abuses, Repeal Repressive Measures

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The restoration of constitutional order in Honduras should be accompanied by the immediate repeal of repressive decrees issued by the de facto government, and a full investigation of abuses committed in the aftermath of the coup, Human Rights Watch said today.

The de facto government of Honduras and the deposed president, Manuel Zelaya, announced today that that they had struck a deal on the evening of October 29, 2009, to restore Zelaya to office. The exact terms of the accord are unknown.

“Honduras urgently needs to address the serious damage to human rights since the coup,” said José Miguel Vivanco, Americas Director at Human Rights Watch. “Honduras needs to roll back repressive legislation and give unequivocal orders to security forces to end their abuses and cooperate with the investigations of the human rights unit of the Attorney General’s office.”

Source: Human Rights Watch

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