Hugo Chavez could provoke a massacre in Honduras to maintain order/change the Constitution the way Zelaya desires

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“The UnoAmerica group located in Bogota, warned that Hugo Chavez could provoke a massacre in Honduras to maintain order/change the Constitution the way Zelaya desires.

They also stated that the financial support that the Venezuelan Government gives to Zelaya comes with a series of obligations. Among them are:

  1. Incorporate himself to the ALBA
  2. Align himself with the axis of Havana and Caracas
  3. Confront the Untied States
  4. Establish relations with Ahmadinejad
  5. Modify the Constitution
  6. Take control of public power
  7. Commit electoral fraud to remain in power indefinitely
  8. Limit the freedom of speech and press
  9. Persecute the Catholic church and political opposition”

Source (In Spanish):

Acerca de Central de Noticias Diario Judío

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