Mexican born Antonio Martinez aka Muhammad Hussain arrested in car bomb plot in Baltimore

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Muhammad Hussain (real name Antonio Martinez), a 21-year-old naturalized citizen from Mexico, was arrested December 8, 2010 on charges of attempted murder and attempted use of a weapon of mass destruction against property used by the United States. His intended target was a military recruiting center. According to a court affidavit and media accounts, he was a frequent visitor to the website of the New York based Islamist group Revolution Muslim, where he viewed videos by Al-Qaeda, including some of terrorists training for attacks, as well as videos of Islamist Sheikh Omar Bakri. Postings on Martinez’s Facebook page referred to Al-Awlaki as “my beloved sheikh.”

Martinez’s Facebook page also included multiple links to jihadi videos on Youtube. These videos include attacks and killing of U.S. soldiers, as well as inspirational messages with images of Al-Qaeda fighters.

While not all of Al-Awlaki’s followers have gone operational, many can easily be found on YouTube making threats and statements in support of terrorism. One, “Jihadi Fan Club,” is a young African-American convert whose YouTube videos include expressions of support for the 9/11 attacks, fighting the American government, and praising Al-Awlaki and Americans joining Al-Qaeda.

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