Mexican Journalist Seeks Asylum In U.S.

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A Mexican journalist had turn to the United States government for safety after he said he was kidnapped by the Chapo Guzman drug cartel.

Alejandro Hernandez Pacheco works as a cameraman for Mexican T.V. network Televisa.

Pacheco told authorities he, and three other people, were kidnapped in July and held for five days.

Pacheco said they were tortured, beaten and starved.

After his release, Pacheco now fears for his life and the safety of his family.

Carlos Spector, immigration attorney, said, “He is here to denounce the inability of the federal government in Mexico to defend him and the members of the press there, this he could not do in Mexico, this he does here today.”

Spector said Pacheco’s kidnapping was the cartel’s attempt to control how media outlets reported on the violence.

Authorities have arrested suspects in connection with the kidnapping, some of whom Pacheco has identified as his kidnappers.

Source: KFOX News

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