Radio news host rehired two weeks after controversial dismissal

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Reporters Without Borders welcomes yesterday’s joint announcement by MVS Radio and news anchor Carmen Aristegui that Aristegui is to resume hosting her morning news programme on 21 February, two weeks after her controversial dismissal for referring on the air to opposition claims that President Felipe Calderón had a drinking problem.

MVS Radio accused Aristegui of violating professional ethics by “broadcasting rumours” when it fired her on 6 February, two days after she referred in her programme to allegations by opposition legislators that the president was an acoholic.

But far from promoting any rumour, as the station claimed, Aristegui just invited the president’s office to respond to the allegations. Her dismissal triggered a storm of criticism and debate.

Yesterday’s joint statement said: “Carmen Aristegui and her team, like MVS Radio, are responding in a transparent and public manner to the demands of a representative sector of listeners and the public.” MVS Radio also announced that it will appoint an ombudsman to defend the interests of its listeners and ensure that the station’s code of ethics is respected.

Source: Reporters Without Borders

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