Reporters without Borders examines Venezuelan control on Internet

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Cuba remains on the list of the “Enemies of the Internet” prepared by Reporters without Borders (RSF) of the most net-repressive countries, while Venezuela was included in the list of “Countries under Surveillance.”

The government of President Hugo Chávez has introduced for the first time tools to control Internet in “a climate of increasing tension between the leadership and the dissident media,” said the RSF report.

The paper noted that those censorship tools are now in place in the form of “an Internet gag law” and the growing use of self-censorship.

The Executive office has promoted the population’s access to the Internet but in recent years it has understood that it is losing the battle to the opposition, particularly in social networks.

Seven out of the ten most popular accounts in Venezuela are critical of Chávez. Therefore the Venezuelan president accused social network users of being “instruments of capitalism.”


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