Spanish court insists on extradition of ETA suspect Arturo Cubillas

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A Spanish court asked again the Spanish government to request the extradition from Venezuela of Arturo Cubillas, an alleged member of Basque separatist group ETA (Basque Homeland and Freedom), after a new charge was filed against him for allegedly being involved in the training of members of the Revolutionary Armed Forces of Colombia (FARC).

The Spanish National Court, the main court in the European country, issued on Wednesday an order “proposing the Spanish government to request the Venezuelan authorities to extradite indicted (ETA suspect) Arturo Cubillas.”

Judge Eloy Velasco explained that the new court order is based on “new facts added to the charges” brought against Cubillas, who was indicted on March 7 for being a member of “a terrorist organization, with the rank of leader,” AFP reported.

The Spanish government had already requested in November 2010 the extradition from Venezuela of Cubillas, who is a Venezuelan citizen and government official, for the crime of “cooperation” with ETA.

The Spanish justice said a year ago that Cubillas “is the person responsible for ETA members in that (Latin) America area since 1999,” and “has coordinated relations with the FARC.”

Cubillas is a Venezuelan national and holds a job in the Venezuelan Ministry of Agriculture and Lands.


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